chapter 2

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Amara's POV

My hands trembled hearing those words. I felt relieved but at the same time I felt a bit sad for my mother. Even if she didn't love me, she was my mother.

Three of them were looking at me with sympathy in their eyes. The officer said, "We found their car on a highway. Your mother died on the spot and your stepfather died on the way to the hospital. We are trying to find a guardian for you. Maybe you have any relatives?"
Relatives? As far as I know, i don't know anyone related to me except for my mother and john. I'm pretty sure my birth father wouldn't want me, seeing that he didn't try to contact me or maybe he just doesn't know about me.

The third man who was in the room came towards me and held out his hand. I flinched slightly at the sudden movement but seeing their faces, i guess no one noticed. "Hi Amara, I'm stephan. I am a social worker. I'm gonna find out whether you have any relatives other than your mother and stepfather. Alright? " His tone was soft and he had a smile on his face. He was kind and I liked him. I gave him a slight nod.

" What if I don't have any? " My voice came out timidly and i was shaking. I never liked to talk to any strangers and i think it was taking a toll on me.

" Well.. " he was extending his answer but finally gave in a sigh."I'll have to put you in an orphanage or foster care" he gave me the answer I dreaded. I've heard about the horrors of foster care and didn't want to go through that.

The officer said " You can stay in your home or we can arrange something for you if that is what you want" i pondered over it and decided that I'm gonna stay in my " home". I didn't wanna burden them. They are already doing soo me.

The officer told me to get in the car while he got in the driver's seat. I sat in the back and expected Stephan to sit in the passenger's seat but he came and sat in the back seat with me.

I was silent the whole drive back to the house. The officer and Stephan would have a conversation every now and then.

I reached the house that gave me nothing but nightmares. Stephan came towards me and instructed me to get inside the house and lock all the windows and doors so as to prevent any intruders. He gave me some money which i politely declined but because of his insistence, i took the money.

He went back to the car and both of them waved at me to which i waved back. I got inside the house and did as Stephan told me to do and went straight to my room.

I was exhausted. The pain i had tolerated for so long finally came at me. 1 or 2 of my ribs were probably broken and the bruise on my stomach had taken a deeper shade of blue and red. I knew it was getting worse but i couldn't tell this to anyone because I deserve this. If only I were not born in this world, everyone included in my life would have been happy.

I took off my dress and went into the bathroom. I took a cold shower because the wounds on my body were still fresh and it would burn.

I got out of the shower and went near the sink. I dried my body and started staring at my body. It was skinny due to the lack of food. I still haven't had my periods while the girls in my class have already got theirs.

I took some painkillers to relieve myself from pain as i don't have anything else.

I laid down on my mattress and started thinking about my life.

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