chapter 17

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Amara's POV

It's been three days since I've been staying in the medical room, not taking a step out of the room. My food and clothes were all delivered by a girl who looked to be around twenties or something.

But today, she didn't come. Which remotely meant that I have to get out of the room.

Three days since everything changed.

I look at my wrist for the millionth time and sigh. I guess it was reckless of me to cut myself. But it did bring me back to reality. The reality that I have always been scared to confront.

I've been alone and will always be alone. And the fact that I'm not sad about it anymore is quite relaxing. As if a huge burden is off my shoulder and I can walk freely.

I slide off the bed and walk towards the door.

My legs feel numb from not walking too much but I walk anyway. I am wearing a white nightdress which I wore last night.

I open the door and peek outside.

Hmmm. No one was there.

It was dead silent. As if nothing had happened in this house. As if I hadn't tried killing myself. Not a single person had come to see me.  Anyway, why did I even expect something from them. They just care about themselves.

I scoff at the thought of them ever caring for me.

I walk ahead and into the kitchen, went near the filter and poured myself some water in a glass.

When I finished the last drop of water from the glass, I realised how thirsty I was.

"You shouldn't be walking around in this state."

Startled by the voice, I turn around to see Lorenzo standing at the entry of the kitchen with his hands in his pockets. He was not in his usual suit. He was wearing a t-shirt and joggers. His demeanor was completely different from what I had experienced for the past few weeks. He looked at me with something like, sympathy? Pity?

I tried calming my racing heartbeat. I took a deep breath in and looked up at his face without an ounce of fear.

"Oh really!? What state do you think I'm in?" I mocked him and raised my injured wrist. His eyes went from my face to my wrist. "You mean this? It's nothing but a scratch. It is something I'm used to. Anyway, I've had worse." I said and his expressions turned a bit hard.

I said that because I got somewhat of an idea that they knew about my abuse because I had bandages wrapped around most of my injuries and my ribs weren't aching that much anymore. They knew about my abuse but not my abuser.

They would've never thought that the person they let in and out of their house most of the time is the reason behind my state.

He signed and said,"Look. Just go back to the room and have some rest. We are going to italy tonight." He turned around but stopped to say something," I'm sorry for everything that has happened to you. And I'm sorry that I wasn't there for.... you. " and then he just left the kitchen.

I was in awe at his words.

I mean, he hasn't even spoken properly to me ever since I came here and now just because I was abused, he thinks that I'm a fragile little thing.

He can go to hell with his sorry. I don't care anymore.

Anyway, I'll just have to go with them to italy. I have no other option. The only thing I'm worried about is cole.

I just hope he doesn't come with us.

I leave the kitchen and go towards  my room.

Just then I saw Lucio coming down the stairs. He stopped when he saw me.

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