Chapter four: What in the world?!

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In the lunch room, you were with the guys and eating the amazing food, but Jay would not stop whining about how curious he wanted to see where the trapdoor led. "I'm dying to see what's down there! What happens when you lose?" Jay said being overwhelmed.

"Don't think about that." Garmadon had said while Jay was basically panicking. "It's all I can think about! I feel terribly bad that I moved on! These are not good feelings!" Jay confronted Garmadon than Kai had the nerve of speaking up.

"Oh you feel bad? Imagine how I feel." Kai had said while making Jay finally shut up. "Our mission is simple, we find Zane tonight, and get off this crazy island." Kai said to all of us.

"And just how are we supposed to do that?"
You said, wanting to know how simple this plan would be. "You heard Chen, break a rule and we're out." You nodded in agreement as Cole spoke after. "He not just gonna let us roam around!" Cole said.

"Good thing we're ninja," Kai said with a cocky smile and looked at us all. "Meet me in my room at midnight." Kai whispered to make sure nobody else heard that.

"You mind if I join you?" You where gonna answer with a simple yes in-order to make allies, but Jay and Cole immediately spoke up. "Disappear, pal!" Jay said as he pointed his food at him.

"This is private," cole than said, but than you chuckled as he took that literally and literally disappeared. "We know you're still here." We could tell because as his clothes disappeared with him, but his tray stayed in the air. He than reappeared and turned his head up and walked away pretending to sassy?

"Wow, you were really mean." You said as you realized how agitated his voice was while saying all that. But than you noticed Cole staring at you with a look that told you to not defend the dude.
"How am I supposed to know we can trust?" Jay spat at us as Garmadon dared to not lecture him, because he was in his side.

"See what this island is doing to me. It has to stop. ITS CORRUPTING ME!" He complained while slamming his fist on the table. "See you tonight." Jay than said as he finished his bowl of noddles and glass of juice. We all just nodded.

A few hours later...

As you had noticed the sun had started to set, you had remembered to meet at Kai's room. When you was getting ready to jump up all the balcony's, you heard someone on the near balcony. "I didn't know we where neighbors!" You recognized that voice anywhere, it was Turner.

You turned around sighing, knowing that this would take a long time. "Same," you replied while getting closer by going to the left side of your balcony while slightly leaning down onto it. "Where do you think the trapdoor leads to?" He asked you happily while staring at you while holding his head up with the palm of both his hands.

"No clue." You tried to keep the conversation short, knowing that you where supposed to be at Kai's room already. "Ok than, good night!" He replied and sheepishly smiled at you while shutting the door to his room and closing the blinds. You than checked the right balcony, nobody, so you took this as your opportunity to get to Kai's room.

You did stratch yourself a few times while climbing up a smooth surface but you made it to Kai's balcony. And it took you a long time from how many guards where around. You opened it just to see Cole eating chocolate covered shell peas while rolling around Kai's bed. Lloyd was sitting to the nearest chair next to the door and both Kai and Jay where just standing in the middle of the room.

"Ok, everyone is here." Kai said as he took one more glance to make sure. You than sat at the end of the bed that Cole laid at just for him to crawl closer to you offering the chocolate covered shell peas. You politely declined as he shrugged he shoulders and continued to much on them, while starring at Kai. "okay, it was almost impossible to get here. This place is swarmed by guards, any ideas on how to get out of here?" Jay asked as he began to walk closer to Lloyd.

But you than felt Cole start to lay back to where the pillows where. "We travel by shadow. We cover every inch of this place until we find him." Than everything was cut off by you almost flying off the bed while it turned around. "What they hell did you do?!" You asked Cole as you both held onto the bed trying not to fall. He just looked at you, "I was just laying down a second ago, and than suddenly we get flipped around."

Than he does it agin and we are back to the surface. "Uh, guys, This bed is uh..." Cole trained to tell them but than got yelled at Kai instead. "Cole, I get it! You like my bed! Would you stop playing around?" Than everyone turned to him as he sat back up from his spot. But than you hit your face with your hand wondering if he knew what he was doing.

"I think I know how we can search the island." Cole said while smirked at all of us as the rest turned confused. "Come on, lay down." All of the sighed as they took there own spot on the bed as you layed at the foot of the bed. "I feel really ridiculous." Lloyd commented as you mentally agreed.

"Your right, it is comfortable." Jay said as you could tell by his voice that he was loving it. "Is this a joke?" Lloyd asked while slightly sitting up to look at Jay and Cole. "I must have triggered something, I was laying here, then I stretched." Than you all flipped around.

You all held onto the bed for dear life while looking down at darkness.

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