Chapter nine: Chow house

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"Skylor. Master of Amber. Versus. Jacob. Master of Sound."

"Fight!" Chen announced, childishly clapping his hands as he watched the fight with a smirk.

"Fenie...Meenie...Minie...Mo...catch a jade blade by its toe!" Skylor shouted as she held her spear high before throwing it at one of the many vases in the room.

That made Jacob play his guitar, to find out where she had gone now. So this caused Jacob to start walking around the room, unaware of Skylor.

Until she threw an arrow straight for his head, causing him to grunt and immediately react.

As Jacob avoided the arrows being thrown at him, he soon struck his guitar, making a loud streaming sound come out, breaking most of the vases.

"The master of Sounds has gotten stronger since the last time I saw him," Garmadon commented.

As you wanted the match, amused. You soon heard Kai coming into the room. Getting second-hand embarrassment as he stepped on each of the other master's feet on his way through.

"Sorry, all these temples look the same. Did I miss anything?" Kai asked, sitting right next to you. "Yea, you didn't miss anything." You chuckled before gesturing to the other people as they looked in pain after their feet got stepped on.

"I don't think we should be sitting together. I mean, the more they think we're a team. The bigger targets we put on ourselves." Jay admitted as he looked at all of us.

"Don't say that. We are a team. Sure, we just lost Cole and still can't find Zane. Bit we're a team! Just smaller. All the more reason to stick together. And look on the brighter side, we were able to bring Y/n back." Lloyd replied as we all looked at him.

"SKYLORS FIGHTING?!" Kai said amazed as he looked at the current fight.

"What has him so worked up?" Garmadon asked you before you smirked. "He had a crush on her until he found out that they might be related." I chuckled as Jay began to laugh.

"Her element is not fire. She's the master of Amber. Power of absorption. She can emulate the power of anyone she's touched." Garmadon said making me and Jay realize.

"You're telling me we're not related?" Kai happily asked shaking Garmadon a little before going back to lean on the railing to stare at Skylor.

"Oh boy, here as go again," Jay said as you related to him for the first time in forever.

Soon, the fight ended with, Skylor as our winner. She was able to trick Jacob and finally picked the right vase.

Everyone cheered, but Kai was probably the loudest.

"Winner!" Chen shouted before looking at Jacob. "Loser!" And of course, Chen pressed a button to reveal a trapped door.

"I hope the tournament of elements has entertained you as much as it has me. To thank you, I wanted to give everyone fancy jewels and untold shiny things. But then yesterday's battle. Master Jay and Cole tried to undermine me by teaming up and refusing to fight each other. And that made me very upset. So, for their trickery, all of your fancy quarters will be taken away. And tonight, everyone must sleep together in the chow house!" Chen announced as he made everyone stare at Jay in anger.

"That is all. Thank you. You can go." Chen finished before dusting off his clothes and getting up from his throne.

"Nice one, Jay," Kai said with a random tone, we wouldn't think Kai would ever use. "Woah, easy, Romeo," Jay replied.

"Don't worry about them. We aren't here to make friends. Just to save ours." Lloyd said, trying to reassure you.

"Yes, but your exclusion of others has only made enemies," Garmadon stated.

"So much for a team, I really looking forward to alone time to myself." You said as you crossed your arms, getting up from the bench you sat at.

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