Chapter ten: Yea, Shawty

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In the chow house, they of course had beds for everyone which was most likely the only good thing there. The beds were sadly uncomfortable and they were bunks beds. And you had no privacy. So once you noticed all these details, your jaw dropped.

Once it was nightfall, everyone had chosen their beds. So you made sure to stick with your team. But a familiar face had picked the bed on top of yours. Or if he even has a face. It was almost impossible to sleep with the snores of the other people in the room, or how much Paleman shifted in his bed. 

So you had enough so you had kicked Palemans bed, since you laid on the bottom bunk. "Did you really have to kick my bed?" He asked, peeking his head over the railing of the bed to glare at you. "Yea, Shawty." You replied before glaring back while crossing your arms.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?" Paleman asked, no longer as tired as before. "I can't sleep with people snoring and how you shift in your sleep." You admitted before Paleman nodded in agreement. "Why'd you even pick this bed?" You asked before Paleman hesitated and looked back at you. 

"You're mostly likely the only person I know so far." He admitted before looking around the room in the dark. 

"Cool." You replied before the lights suddenly turned on, making every groan in displeasure. Many workers walked into the room and began to put something on everyone's feet. Making you realize it was rollerblading? 

You had trouble balancing for the first part before you got the hang of it. "You know how to roller blade too?" Jay asked, approaching you while having his hands on his hips. "Since when do you know how to rollerblade?" You replied back before looking around the chow house.

When suddenly someone knocked into you, and once you looked to see who it was, it was Paleman. You were about to say something but he had just turned invisible and most likely rollerbladed away. 

Once you got up from the floor, you looked around for Lloyd.  And once you found him, you tried to rollerblade over to him. "Do you know who is competing this round?" You asked him. 

"Im versus the master of form. But I don't even know who that is." Lloyd stressed before Kai came into our conversation. 

"You haven't heard?" Kai began. "I heard she can look like anyone. She'd be right under your nose; by the time you figure it out, she's already discovered all your weaknesses. Then it's game over. But you're the green ninja, what weakness could you have?" 

Kai asked. But you suspected something was wrong, cause he doesn't know how to rollerblade. And just a second ago,  he was busting his butt trying to rollerblade. So you furrowed your eyebrows and gestured for Lloyd not to say anything. 

Thankfully Lloyd didn't say anything cause once Kai had bladed away, another Kai reappeared, cursing under his breath about how bad he was at rollerblading. Making your assumption right!

So once this was figured out, Lloyd turned to see the master of the form. She was actually quite pretty, with nice purple hair and her outfit was as half bad. 

And soon came that you would have to be escorted to the next round.

Shocking surprise (Ninjago x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin