Chapter six: Versus

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It was another day on a Chens island. The bizarre events from yesterday made you tired and restless. And you where so terrified of getting your power stolen that you had trained non-stop yesterday, not wanting to be the one who loses, but the only one remaining.

"What where you doing yesterday?" You had already knew who that was from how many times they had already talked to you, Turner. As you held your tray high you looked to your left. "Why?" You asked as you took one of your favorite snacks.

"I heard lots of noise in your room yesterday, did you have someone over? Where you sneaking around? Where you sleep walking? Where you training?" He kept asking you so you finally replied with a civil answer.

"I was training." You said as you finally walked away. You looked back at him and he just shrugged not knowing whether to believe you as you just rolled your eyes.

You where about to sit down when you suddenly heard some yelling in the middle of the room. "And I used to think ninja wouldn't steal your girlfriend." Jay fought back as he glared at Cole. You became embarrassed so did the three others at the table.

"What ever you have to say to each other, say it now. Because harboring grudges hurts no one but yourselves." Sensai Garmadon had said as he held his tray while staring at them as they did the same back.

"He's right. You should be preparing to fight your next opponent, not each other." Lloyd bumped in as you took a bite of the food with your chopsticks. "What grudge? I already dropped it." Cole said now sounding stubborn.

You already knew that you where going to tell Nya this once you see her again. "I dropped it first!" Jay said while confronting Sensai Garmadon trying to one-up Cole. "Did not."  Cole said as he bumped his tray into Jays as Jay did the same. "Did too!"

Than suddenly Cole had spilled Jays platter of food onto the floor spilling the drink and treats that he got a dozen of. "This tournament will test them. Either find a way for them to make peace, or neither of them will move on." Garmadon said to you and Lloyd.

You just shrugged while walking away from the two ridiculous guys and sat down next to Kai. Then suddenly the loud speaker went off.

The tournament of elements continues. Fun time! Would the following Masters please make their way to their assigned arena? Speed, Gravity, Smoke, Nature, Mind, oh and last and hopefully not least... Fire!" You had gotten alittle shocked that we all sadly didn't have the day off and looked back at the people who got chosen.

Soon someone had put there arm around your shoulder. "Watch me beat my opponent!" It was Turner, once again, "They stand no chance against someone like, your truly!" He smirked and pointed to him with his thumb and on the corner of your eye you could see a certain black haired boy lookin at you.

As you walked to see the first round Cole had appeared next to you. "What did I say about trusting people? We don't know if they agree or work with Chen, we have to be careful, what happens if you have to fight him and your refuse? It's gonna be a big problem!" Cole complained as you crossed your arms while scoffing.

Soon when it was time, you sat down at a seat each fight consisted of two fighters, each of their goal, was to get a singular jade blade. "Turner! Master of speed! Versus, Gravis! Master of Gravity! Fight!" Chen had excitedly yelled like if he were a child getting candy.

For their opening start, Turner had dashed towards the sakura tree, getting tangled up in where to go. But sadly, when Gracia had began to fly to the jade blade, he turned mad and shocked making him want to find his way faster with out ending up at the same place.

"Neuro, Master of Mind! Versus, Bolobo, Master of nature! Fight!" Once again Chen had yelled.

"They call this a fight?" Lloyd questioned looking mad. "Just wait for it." Garmadon said as Neuro had started to use his power of Bolobo, tracking his next move. So when it took action, he had used the vines as a way to climb it, instead of getting tangled up like hair.

"Kai, Master of fire! Ash, Master of smoke! Fight!" Ash had a cocky grin on his face and when the fight started he did a trick to make the bridge wobble as Kai reached for it. "Come on Kai, you can do it!" Lloyd cheered him on, knowing the consequences. But when Kai went to go kick Ash, he went straight, letting Ash almost land on him. But as Kai tried once again, Ash used his smoke to go from one side to another, catching Kai off guard. Almost every punch of Kai's had just went straight through, but when Ash punched, he made the floorboards break almost making Kai meet his end.

[Back to Neuro and Bolobo.] As Neuro tried to reach for the jade blade that sat an inch from him, he was stopped by Bolobo tangling him up in vines. But Neuro was able to break free and land a punch causing him to go flying backwards.
"Never estimate the power of the mind." Garmadon commented. Then they both fell to the floor landing some kicks and punches, but sadly Neuro had got tangled by some vines, and we could hear him say, "I didn't see that coming."
"In man Vs. nature, nature usually wins." Lloyd said.

[Gravis and Turner.] As a diversion, Turner had ran around in circles taunting him with 'you can't catch me!' Or ' I'm over here!' And so when Gravis went to go to Turner, Turner ran to Gravis hitting him and throwing leaves at him. But than Gravis had enough and had made all the flowers fly than hit him in all places.

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