Chapter five: things just got weirder.

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As you fell to the floor like the others, Kai used his fire to light your way through the dark hallway. "Secret passageway! Cool!" Jay said as you all liked around at where you are. "Nice job Cole, maybe Zane's not on the island, but in it." Kai complimented Cole, and Cole just smirked.

Then suddenly you heard the grunts of someone nearby. "Quiet, do you hear that?" You questioned as they all turned silent just for us to look up and see peepholes letting in some light. "Oo! Secret peepholes!" Jay said amazed as you just sighed.

Then Jay had begun climbing the wall to see what it was, making tiny pitter-patter sounds. "Sounds like someone is fighting on the other side of this wall," Jay said as he finally reached the peepholes. "What do you see?" Both Cole and you questioned and waited for an answer as we looked up at him.

"It's not a fight. It's Skyler's room. Looks like she's training." Jay said scoffing as if he was expecting something better. "Let me see! Let me see!" Kai said as he hurriedly blew out the first in his hands and climbed next to Jay and Kai. You got mad at the fact that they wouldn't let her have any privacy and were ready to wack them.

"Oh, looks like Kai's got the hots for her!" Cole said aloud while grinning at me and elbowing Lloyd. "No, she's competition! I just want to know what powers were up against." Kai said as you could tell he had just made that up.

Then they nudged each other and wanted to have a look, then you popped. "You guys are so inconsiderate!" you yelled as they just kept looking. Than suddenly they both gasped and pushed back. "She'" Kai said sighing.

"If we are all descendants of elemental masters..." Lloyd began to say and stopped to think. "Kai's heart is on fire! Kai's heart is on fire!" Cole mockingly said as he twirled around.

"Let's just keep moving." Kai said and dropped down back onto the floor. Cole was still twirling so you hit the back of his head, "ow, what was that for?" Cole said while rubbing his head as you glanced at him and walked behind the others.

Cole caught up but he grabbed his chocolate and unknowingly made a trail of them. "Hm, it's like a maze down here." Kai commented as he shined his fire at every corner,

"Good thing Cole is leaving a trail back to our room." You replied as they all turned back and he also looked back. "What? Oh! Yeah, I meant to do that." Cole pretended and we kept moving.

Than soon some minutes passed by and climbed down a hole deeper and you went threw a path of cobble stone. As the path was silent, it was broken when Lloyd suddenly yelled. "Everyone! Stop!" He pulled Kai back as you all noticed a piece of wire that you would have probably triggered.

"Booby traps." Lloyd sighed as he looked ahead.
"Oh! Booby traps! Even cooler!" Jay excitedly said as we all stared at him. "What? What do you mean? Booby traps are no cool, totally not cool, really bad." Jay said while trying to cover up what he said.

"From here on out, we have to be careful." You said as we all walked over the wire and kept walking. "Do you hear that?" Kai asked as you heard a faint chant at the end of the path, or somewhere.

It was a few guards in a line with a leader in the front holding a torch. Than Lloyd signaled to you that you had the capture the next group that passed by. Than they all beat up the guys for the costumes and you snuck your way and watched through the the shadows.

Before the meeting that the original guards had to go to, you used some of the chocolate to use as the face tattoo to the original guards. So you used you thumb to copy it. So one by one to used the chocolate as paint as used there faces as a canvas.
But while you did Cole, he turned a light pinkish and you just shrugged it off.

So, one you finished, they scattered off and you went a separate way. It lead you to the top floor of the area, or arena? You couldn't tell. As you boringly watched the weird men chant, you noticed some familiar faces. From how far up you where, you couldn't precisely get what they said exactly but understood the concept.

Than suddenly what caught your eye was the guy from earlier, Karlof, "Get hands off Karlof!" he was yelling at the guards dragging him to let go.
You felt empathy for him as he was forcefully dragged to Master Chen as he looked up.

"Like I said. Use it or lose it." Chen said as he shrugged and pointed his staff at him. Than suddenly a blue light came out that took all of Karlof's power and energy in a matter of seconds leaving you in shock and sadness for Karlof.

"What-what happen to my metal?" He said while he tried to trigger his power while his eye glistens as if he was ready to cry. "Your metal? Oh, it's mine now." Chen laughed at him making you want to punch him and break all his bones.

"But now I will let you go." Chen said but you could tell it was just a lie of his. "Really?" Karlof jumped up with a little of excitement in his voice.

"To the factory!" Chen said while raising his arms than Karlof was grabbed and dragged to a unknown door while he yelled at the guys. Than you noticed the guys in the way back, suddenly all the chocolate had started to melt, and Chen took notice.

"Intruders! Stop them!" Chen yelled while pointing at them. You took that as you cue to start leaving and went the way to came from. While going the way you came, you rushed, than found your own way back to Kai's room.

It was a door way that automatically opened so you where able to enter, untouched unlike the others. "Are you guys ok?" You questioned with hands on your hips as they all payed on the bed sweating, panting, and looking exhausted.

"Hmm I wonder. We just got caught!" Jay complained and yelled while you just chuckled. "Are you ok though?" Cole questioned while using his elbows as support to look up at you. You nodded at his question. "Alright, no more sneaking around, for now let's just follow the rules." You suggested as they all agreed.

"We may have not found Zane, but we found something just as important. This tournament isn't about glory, it's about Chen stealing all of our elemental powers." Kai said.

"Maybe he only wants Lloyds powers, I means who wouldn't?" You said as you sat down. "But why? What do you think he is planning?" Lloyd questioned as he got up.

"I don't know, but if we are going to find out, and find Zane,we have to play by his rules. Agreed?" Kai said as we all replied with the same word, "Agreed!"

"Good thing we weren't spotted, that was close." Cole commented as he stood up from the bed. "Yeah, too close." Jay said as he turned around showing that a piece of fabric was torn off from his pants.

"Gross! We don't have to see that!" You commented as they all just chuckled as you covered the view with your hands.

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