Untitled: Part 10

389 48 17

In the shadows of the soul, it lies,

A whispered fear that never dies, 

Insecurity, a haunting ghost, 

A relentless burden, a cruel host.

Like a tempest in the heart's domain,

 It sows doubt with a whispered refrain,

 In every step, it leaves its mark, 

Anchoring dreams, keeping hope in the dark.

It starts as a whisper, soft and faint,

 But soon it roars like a hurricane, 

In every triumph, it plants its seed, 

A voice that tells you're not what you need.

In crowds, you feel the judgment's gaze, 

Each flaw magnified in countless ways, 

A mask you wear to hide within, 

For fear they'll see the real, within.

Comparison, the thief of joy, 

Insecurity's favorite ploy,

 You measure worth by others' grace, 

Forgetting that you, too, hold a unique place.

Yet, take a pause, look deep within, 

Embrace the flaws, let self-love begin,

 For in your heart, a strength resides,

 A spark that lights the darkest tides. 

You're not defined by external eyes, 

The world's expectations, mere lies, 

Insecurity's grip, you can release, 

And let your inner light find peace.

For life's a canvas, vast and wide,

With room for scars and dreams beside, 

Embrace the journey, flaws and all, 

Insecurity's reign, let it fall.

In vulnerability, there's beauty untold,

 In imperfection, a tale unfolds, 

So let your heart and spirit soar, 

Insecurity shall rule no more.

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