Untitled: Part 63

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Feeling dreadful and sick to my stomach,

Almost like sinking in deep ocean,

Never did I realize I can overcome,

Maybe, it's for the best I experienced this.

Life is full of surprises and shocks within,

You never know what mystery you will discover,

Whether the truth might be ugly or pretty,

Still you need to keep going through in life.

 It's like burning in smokeless fire,

Smelling roses without fragrances,

Walking barefoot on cold meadows,

Wondering how peaceful life can be.

Collapsing in bed feeling tired,

Body trembling mind racing with thoughts,

As if the mere existence is a dream,

Unwritten words can never be expressed.

Tears won't fall right away,

All obstacles have their way,

But life goes on and on,

Time can't be rewinded.

Wars and crimes are part of world,

People come and go, still doesn't realize,

Time's preciousness and hatred grows more,

When will they wake up and realize the wrong.

But alas, mankind will never point out the mistakes,

It's their nature by creation and will continue on,

Those who understand try to change in a fresh start,

What's valid or invalid, good or bad to be judged upon.

Generations will change so will the world,

Many new discoveries and experiences shared,

In the contrary, humans will live on until the end,

No one knows what might happen the next day.

If we don't change nothing will move forward,

Why are people becoming heartless and cruel,

Where's the humanity within souls and hearts,

Unless no one cares about the other one no more.

Having responsibilities is heavy as a burden,

Once they're gone it's light as a feather,

People get stressed for small stuff,

Don't they know to get something, you pay.

Shutting eyes feeling the atmosphere,

Letting the intensity soak us in,

However head hurting like a hammer,

Being struck multiple times again and again.

Therefore we need to wake up and get conscious,

We are the builders of our peace and harmony within,

There's nothing in this world like tranquility and solace,

Love and humanity wins no matter the situation grasped.

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