Untitled: Part 33

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In Autumn's gentle, golden grace, 

The world adorned in amber lace, 

A tapestry of fiery hues, 

As nature paints its vibrant muse.

The leaves, like whispers, softly fall,

 In crimson, orange, they enthral,

 They dance upon the cooling breeze, 

A waltz beneath the amber trees.

The sun retreats with gentle sighs, 

As days grow shorter, starlit skies, 

A chill now lingers in the air, 

Yet beauty blooms, beyond compare.

The harvest moon, a radiant sphere, 

Guides us through the evening clear, 

Its silver glow, a tranquil balm, 

In Autumn's soothing, peaceful psalm.

The fields are rich with ripened yield,

 A bounty from the earth revealed,

 Apples, pumpkins, corn in rows, 

Nature's gift in plenty shows.

In Autumn's grasp, we find a space, 

To slow our steps, to find our place, 

To cherish moments, fleeting, sweet,

 As earth and sky in harmony meet.

So let us savor, with delight, 

This season's charm, its tranquil night, 

In Autumn's arms, we'll find our way,

 As leaves of life gracefully sway.

Most of the loved people I know,

Was born on this beautiful season,

As well as myself born in the heart,

Of autumn with it's beautiful grace.

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