Untitled: Part 58

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Amidst the tapestry of life, a thread unfolds,

A cosmic dance, where destiny molds.

Not in the realm of mystic dreams,

But where reality and karma gleams.

Beneath the canvas of the celestial sky,

 A chronicle of deeds, both low and high. 

Not in the whispers of ancient lore, 

But in the echoes of deeds, forevermore.

In the labyrinth of time, where echoes resound, 

A universal law, forever profound. 

Not in the tales of forgotten yore,

But in the symphony of actions, we explore.

Oh, the weaving of Karma, woven fine,

A reflection of deeds, a grand design. 

Not in the shadows of doubt or fear,

But in the choices we make, crystal clear.

A whisper in the wind, a subtle sound, 

What goes around comes around.

Not in the corridors of elusive fate, 

But in the echoes of deeds, early or late.

For every action, a ripple spreads, 

Through the cosmos, where destiny treads.

 Not in the veil of mystery's guise,

 But in the mirror of our own soul's eyes.

In the cosmic dance, a balance sways, 

Karma's rhythm in the nights and days. 

Not in the shackles of some decree, 

But in the essence of our own legacy.

No matter the times your enemies belittle you,

One day they will get belittled more than that.

There's a quote based on actions done by those,

"You reap what you sow" which is so true in life.

Humiliating or insulting someone so innocent,

Where they have done nothing wrong to that.

Person who accused and talked behind backs,

Will receive severe karma and punishment.

For I have gone through obstacles in life,

Where I had to endure pain and harsh words.

But I know my enemies will get their destined karma,

I will eventually get justice sought from them.

First people get blinded by pride and arrogance,

They burn in ashes of jealousy and smokes of fire.

So, they become vindictive and hurt people innocent,

But karma gets them real hard in the very end.

It's like a fine wine that gets better with age,

No worries you'll get your glory so shiny.

Cause nothing lasts forever like illicit games,

Another metaphor added fuel to flames.

What goes around, a cosmic decree, 

A dance of cycles, a symphony.

Not in the realm of mere chance, 

But in the harmony of the cosmic dance.

As the sun rises and shadows fall, 

Karma whispers its silent call. 

Not in the realm of vague renown,

 But in the echoes of deeds, up and down.

In the light of dawn, karma shows it's meaning true,

"What's done in the dark always comes to light."

No matter what one may do whether it's a sin,

It will be exposed sooner or later with truth unveiled.

So tread lightly on life's sacred ground,

 For karma's echo will resound. 

Not in the confines of earthly bounds,

 But in the universe where destiny sounds.

In the grand mosaic of life, we're bound,

A dance of karma, forever unbound. 

Not in the echoes of a distant drum,

 But in the choices we make, the deeds we become.

Oh, the wheel turns, a cosmic ballet,

 Karma's script in every day.

 Not in the shadows of some distant morn, 

But in the echoes of deeds, reborn.

What goes around, a universal truth, 

A melody echoing through the cosmic booth. 

Not in the veils of illusion spun, 

But in the journey of the soul, begun.

In the heart of karma, a timeless dance, 

A cosmic truth, a sacred trance. 

Not in the tales of some distant lore, 

But in the echoes of deeds, forevermore.

Hence heed the wisdom, in the echoes profound,

 For what goes around, shall surely come around.

In the celestial dance, where souls entwine, 

 Karma's embrace, forever divine.

No stone left unturned, no moment spared, 

Karma whispers softly, in the winds that dared.

To carry the echoes of our journey's song,

 In the eternal dance where we belong.

Through the valleys of sorrow, and peaks of grace, 

 Karma walks with us, in every clasp.

 A mirror reflecting our truth, our pain,

 In the cycle of life, where all shall reign.

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