Untitled: Part 15

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In loving memory of my dear Grandma,

Whose presence we cherished, now held so nearby,

With heavy hearts, we bid our farewell,

As your spirit transcends, where angels' dwell.

Through life's trials, you fought with grace,

A warrior, a role model, in every embrace,

A contagious illness's grip may have taken its toll,

But your spirit shone bright, like a precious gem.

From the moment you held your baby so small,

Without Grandpa's touch, you stood strong,

With unmatched strength, you faced every day,

Guiding your daughter, lighting her way.

Your love flowed freely, like a gentle stream,

Nurturing dreams, like a beautiful dream,

You filled our lives with warmth and care,

A love's that's eternal, beyond compare.

Through laughter and tears, you remained steadfast,

A pillar of strength, through the shadows that cast,

Your wisdom and kindness, a true legacy,

Forever engraved in our hearts, we hold onto you.

Oh, Grandma, your smile is like the sun's gentle rays,

Brightened our lives in countless ways,

Your embrace, a shelter in times of distress,

A haven of love, amidst life's duress.

I can't thank you enough my dear Grandma,

For all the things you did for me ever since I was born,

You gave me a beautiful name and taught me valuable lessons,

Without you, life feels like an empty cage where broken hearts go.

Oh, all those sweet and precious moments I shared with you,

Every time I open the old photo albums, I can't focus but shed tears,

I always think of you every day, I wish you were still here with me,

I hope you're proud of me Grandma and I'll always make you proud.

Ever since you left this world, things haven't been the same,

So much changed so suddenly, I couldn't make out why and how,

The person whom you trusted so much and left us with expectation,

He broke your daughter's heart and backstabbed his own family,

The sad thing is you loved him so much and cared for him unconditionally,

But he forgot everything and just threw us like rocks in a broken road,

If you were here and saw all these, your heart would break in pieces,

I am glad you didn't have to witness this scandalous betrayal.

I know you're up there watching and protecting us,

I don't know when we will we meet again Grandma,

But know you're here in my heart forever and always,

I can't express in words how much you mean to me.

Losing you was the biggest shock in our lives,

Our world fell apart for the worst we just couldn't accept reality,

But despite the obstacles, we rose from the ground bravely,

My mother is so strong and powerful just like you were.

She resembles you so much dear Grandma,

Thank you for raising my mother decently,

You showed her how harsh the world can be,

She remembers your words and talks about you all the time.

Though your physical presence may be gone,

Your spirit lingers, like a soothing song,

In cherished memories, we find solace and peace,

A love that transcends and will never cease.

As the years pass, we'll honor your name,

Embrace your teachings, and carry your flame,

For you were our rock, our guiding star,

Now shining above, us, in a world afar.

Rest peacefully now dearest Grandma,

Know that your love will forever steer,

Our hearts, our souls, on this earthly plane,

Until we unite, beyond life's domain.

In the tapestry of life, you'll remain forever,

An inspiration, a lantern, a love without stain,

Grandma, your legacy, will thrive forever,

In our hearts, in our souls, as long as we're alive.

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