Untitled: Part 11

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In shadows deep, where darkness dwells,

A tale unfolds of ringing knells.

For cruel bullies, who caused such strife,

This poem speaks of justice and a new life.

Once, their words stung like venom,

But now it's time for vengeance to be sung.

With every taunt and every jeer,

They fueled a rage, a burning sear.

The oppressed rise, united and strong,

Their voices echo, a thunderous song.

No longer cowed, they break the chains,

And in their hearts, a fire remains.

You thought you held all the power,

But karma strikes in the darkest hour.

The tables turn, your arrogance fades,

As justice rises, like a tempest un-swayed.

You underestimated the strength we held,

The resilience within, the stories untold.

Every scar you left, a symbol of might,

For we are warriors, ready to fight.

We shed the weight of your hurtful words,

And rise above like majestic birds.

Empowered, emboldened, we claim our worth,

No longer victims of your callous mirth.

Our hearts, once wounded, now ablaze,

With the fire of justice, a righteous blaze.

We stand firm, united and unbroken,

With newfound courage, our spirits awoken.

So, hear this chant, you cruel bullies,

Your reign of terror is no longer the rule.

For every victim, a survivor will rise,

And with fierce determination, claim the prize.

No longer we will fear shadows,

With strength and resilience, we persevere.

Our revenge, not in hatred or in despair,

But in the triumph of love, and hearts that care.

Oh, for those who you used to bully,

 You talked wrath about their appearance.

Body shamed them or said something about how they look,

Well, in the end, your hatred and actions, will turn against you.

They shed tears of guilt, thinking you were right,

They even wanted to end their life because of your words.

They said things and blamed themselves for everything,

But there came a time, when they realized how precious they are.

For in the end, it's compassion that wins,

And the power of unity that begins.

So, bullies, take heed, and change your ways,

For in the face of love, revenge decays.

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