Untitled: Part 20

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In the depths of my being, I discovered a flame,

A love that burns fiercely, bearing no shame.

A journey of self-discovery, I began to embark,

Unveiling the beauty within, igniting a spark.

Once I used to doubt myself, whether I am worthy,

I used to belittle myself and gave up many times.

But in the end, I found courage and figured I am worthy,

I can do everything; I am proud of who I am as a person.

In the mirror's reflection, I gazed deep into my eyes,

Embracing every flaw, imperfections and ties.

For I am a masterpiece, a unique work of art,

Worthy of love and acceptance, right from the start.

Self-love is very important in life, if you don't love yourself, it's pathetic,

Learn to love and appreciate yourself first, then allow others to love you.

Make yourself a priority, put yourself first above everything else in life,

It's not your job to be everything to everyone, sometimes learn to be selfish.

I am unaffected by the judgement of others, tearing me down won't make me any weaker,

I am unapologetically myself always, I don't care what others think of me as an individual.

I am enough and I don't need anyone to tell me I am not worth it, or I won't succeed in life,

My confidence and inner mind set will lead me to success, and I know I can do it.

Don't ever cut or starve yourself please, because that's not life's solution,

Don't neglect yourself, take care of your mental health, that's important.

Wipe your tears and learn to accept yourself, keep pushing forward,

Show the world what you're capable of, shock them with your actions.

You are who you are, please don't change for anyone, the world can be harsh,

I learned something from a very wise and beautiful person that:

"Being different is what makes you beautiful" which is very true,

Everyone is unique and different; they have flaws and imperfections.

I embraced my scars, which are symbols of strength and resilience,

Reminders of the battles fought; lessons of brilliance learnt.

In my vulnerability, I find power and grace consequently,

A tapestry of emotions and feelings, no longer hiding myself.

Be the authors of your own stories, create your destiny,

Make a strong future for yourselves, shine in the world.

Life is like a roller-coaster with emotions and obstacles,

So, face every challenges with bravery and intelligence.

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