Chapter 7

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Shanks was completely lost in thoughts, questioning what he had seen and what the heck was going on, which made him unknown to the hand that was gently placed on his shoulder. Turning around, Shanks saw Makino offering her a small smile before looking at the ocean with a small frown on her youthful face.

"Shanks, where is Luffy?" Makino asked as she looked everywhere on the beach for the said boy. The sun was setting down which meant that Luffy would soon be sleepy, but where was he?!

"In the ocean," Shanks replied as the disbelieving words came out of his mouth. He still couldn't believe what he had seen just now, so he really couldn't blame the shocked face of the bar maid.

"What the hell is Luffy?" Shanks finally voiced as he saw Makino looking at the ocean, with her fists tightening.

Shanks had seen unbelievable things and entities in the Grand Line, which didn't even make any sense. But this wasn't Grand Line! Heck, this was one of the blues, where a boy whose smile is as sunny as the sun, who is clearly not a fishman and yet can talk in the sea and not require oxygen to breathe. Heck, the boy could even talk to sea kings, which no fishmen can even do!

On the other side, Makino's smiled as she took a seat beside the red haired man.

"He is a mystery to even me," Makino spoke with a sigh but soon a fond smile crept on her face remembering her first encounter with the sunshine. "As time passed, he grew more mysterious. I can't even say that I know about a kid who I have been taking care of for the past four years."

Shanks hummed before he opened his mouth to tell what he had just witnessed.

"He can talk to sea kings," Shanks gulped as he spoke.

"That's something new," Makino replied, encouraging the red haired man to speak with a smile on her face.

"He can walk on the sea bed. Talk in the water. Do not feel the need to take a gulp of air while in the sea," Shanks stated everything, with an unbelievable tone before he stopped speaking as he observed bubbles rising from the ocean.

He stood up and like a gentleman offered a hand to Makino, who gladly took it. 

"Can I be sure that this information doesn't leave from here?" A stoic, cold voice came hovering over Shanks and Makino, who flinched at the sudden presence.

Makino nodded first, as her brain provided who was the man behind her. She didn't even need to be reminded on that. Luffy was in a way her sunshine and she couldn't let anyone take his smile, which would definitely happen if words get out of these things.

On the other hand, Shanks's reaction wasn't so good on the man who had announced his presence. First of all, he had evaded Shanks's Haki and then had managed to make him flinch. Hence, Shanks turned back to look at the man with a scowl, when he saw the familiar raven haired man.

"What are you doing here, Dragon?" Shanks asked the Revolutionary leader as he stood beside him and looked at the ocean, where Luffy had disappeared to.

Dragon watched as the bubbles started increasing and looked at Shanks from the corner of his eyes. The pirate was still waiting for an answer. Dragon knew Luffy had many secrets, out of which even he knew handful of them, but does Shanks deserve to know?

...Dragon knows he can trust the drunkard.

"Came to visit my son," Dragon spoke as he saw the red haired man's eyes widen at the new information.

"Luffy is your son?" Shanks asked, but he was ignored as Dragon stepped forwards towards the sea where the bubbles started to appear rapidly.

Not even a second later, the ocean tore apart to present the little menace riding on a sea king. 

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