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My mom smiled at me, pulling me into a tight hug

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My mom smiled at me, pulling me into a tight hug. "I'm so happy to see you Onika." I rubbed her back, leaning into her and taking a deep breath. God knows how much I love my mother. We argue, like any other family but she was the only parent here for more, no matter what.

Sometimes I resent my father for how he did her, but life goes on. My mother is happy with her newly husband and I was so proud of her.

Both Caiah and I.

I heard her sniffle and raised my brow. She still hasn't let me go. I held her tighter, "Mommy don't cry."

"You've grown so beautiful and I- I just can't help it."

She asks like this is her first time seeing me in years but I understand it. My mother has gone through so much, from her health to her relationships to her finances. I know she just appreciates everything she has right now.

She finally pulled away, wiping her eyes and I smiled at her, rubbing her arms. "I love you ma, ok?"

"I love you too Onika. Where's your brother?"

I pointed to behind me, "In the car. He's on the phone with his boss, he's coming though."

"Okay, come in. Leo is in the kitchen, finishing up the food." My momma married her a chef, ok girl!

I went into the kitchen, resting my purse on the island. I went to hug my step dad and he smiled, wrapping his buff arms around me. "Hey babe. Your mom invited you to dinner today?"

I nodded, "Yeah. She said she had something to tell us. You'll tell me if she got cancer again right?"

He rubbed my arm, "She doesn't have cancer. Don't worry about that. I'd tell you but she wants to keep it a surprise."

I nodded, sitting by the island and starting conversation with him as my mom came in with Caiah.

To them, I was just their little innocent girl that they all loved to death.

Everyday I wish to make them proud of me. Even though they never seem to tell me they aren't, I know they're lying. I know they wish I'd listen to them when it came to boys and sex, and I wanted too but I was addict and healing slowly.

I want to be in control of everything and not give a damn about what a nigga could do to me.

"Nic, why Caiah said you want a tongue piercing?" My mom asked, nudging my shoulder as she slid in the stool besides me.

I glared at him, "Ma he's lying."

"Am I though? Do they know about your tattoo?"

I got up, grabbing his shirt and yanking him down, "Shut the fuck up boy."

Leo laughed while my mother threatened me. "Onika let him go before I slap you!"

I let him go, making sure to push him back. "Stop talking about me before I start talking about you, bitch."

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