scaring Sidney

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Soon Lexi's truck pulls a stop as they got there before Sidney so they could get ready. Lexi used her magic to unlock the door as they walk into the quiet house.

"Alright one of you hide in that closet while I use the voice box to call her"Lexi explains while holding the voice box up as billy looks at her confused while patting his pockets "how did you"he asked as she just winks making him blush.

Stefan grumbles to him self as his wife laughs.

Soon they get into there places as a bus pulls up meaning Sidney was home. They waited until the time was ready before they know it. It was night as Lexi quietly dialed Sidney's house number as the phone rings.

Sidney picks up the phone "Tatum just get in the car--"Sid says as she was shown laying on a couch in the dark.

Lexi brings the voice box to her lips"hello Sidney"she says with a smirk.

Sidney looks at Lexi wide eyed as they girl gives her a wicked smirk with a wave as billy, Stu and hope laugh.

Stefan shakes his head as he turns to his wife"she gets that from your side of the family"he says as Rebekah and her brothers share proud smirks. Elena was fumming with anger he shoukd be with her not Rebekah.

Sidney froze at the voice before becoming confused "uh... Hi who is this?"she asked into the phone while sitting up.

"You tell me"Lexi says from the shadows.

"Well I have no idea"Sidney says honestly.

"Scary night isn't it"Lexi says as she walks around in the shadows with a smirk this was fun to her while hope silent giggles to her self."with the murders and I'll come it's like right over horror movie or something"Lexi says as billy raised an eyebrow.

Sidney starts to laugh "randy, you gave your self away are you calling from work, cuz Tatum's on her way over."she says standing up as she turns on a lamp. but oh how wrong she was. Lexi shares a smirk with hope she brought the voice box to her lips again "do you like scary movies Sidney?"she asked.

"I like that thing your doing with your voice randy it's sexy"Sidney playfully says a Lexi silently fake gags to her self making hope hold in a laugh.

"What's your favorite scary movie"Lexi asked getting back to the plan.

"Oh come on you know I don't watch that shit"Sidney says still thinking it's randy.

"Why not too scared?"Lexi says with a mocking tone.

"No,no. It's just what's the point? There all the same. Some stupid killer stalking some big breasted girl who can't act ... Who's running up the stairs when she should be going out the front door it's insulting "sidney explains as Lexi and hope share a look just like a certain Dopple ganger they.

Lexi's family and friends then turn and raised eyebrows at Elena who looks up to see them staring"what I'm no of those things"she says getting defensive.

Lexi snort"maybe not the big breasted part but the dumb part is pretty spot on"she says as her friends and family laugh as Elena gaps at her in disbelief.

Lexi then smirks"are you alone in the house "she asked.

Sidney sighs as she sits on the couch looking out the window"randy that's so unoriginal I'm disappointed In you"she says.

Lexi silently laughs to her self it was about to get good"maybe that's because I'm not randy"she says as everything went eeriely silent.

Sidney slowly gets up from the couch "so who are you"she asked after a moment of silence.
"The question isn't who am I it's where am I"Lexi says as she watches from the shadows with a wicked smirk.

"S- so where are you?"sidney asked.

Lexi let's her wait with silence before bringing the voice box to her lips"your front porch"she says.

Chills went down Sidney's back as she slowly made her way to the front door "why would you be calling me from my front porch"she asked while walking past a certain hall closet as she turns on the light.

"That's the original part"Lexi says with a smirk as hope watches with wickedness swelling with inside her.

"Oh yeah, well I call your bluff"Sidney says acting brave while opening the front door as she steps out on to her porch"so where are you" looking around from the front yard to the sides of the house but found no one."right here"Lexi says as she watches as Sidney looks all around for them.

"Can you see me right now"Sidney asked through the phone.

"Uh huh"Lexi says as she watches from the shadows.

"Uh huh okay"she says before holding her finger in her nose."what am I doing huh what am I doing hello"Sidney calls out around her as Lexi cringed.

"Nice try randy. Tell Tatum to hurry up okay bye now"sidney says with a laugh fixing to hang up.

"If you hang up on me you'll die just like your mother"Lexi says into the voice box harshly before letting out a low laugh "do you wanna die Sidney your mother sure didn't"she says with a smirk as she watches Sidney stand there frozen in shock.

"Fuck you. You creatin"Sidney says before rushing back inside as she closed the door locking it when billy pops out from the hall closet causing Sidney to whirl around screaming as she ducks just when the knife is stabbed into the door but billy knocks her down to the ground the phone slid across the floor.

She kicks his feet from underneath as he falls to the ground with a thud and grunt before he wrestle her to the ground as she fights. He grabs her by her hair before smacking her head heard against the floor making Sidney very dazed.

Lexi watches with a smirk seeing this side of billy made her feel things she never has before. Billy takes the chance to raise the knife up to stab Sidney in the chest but unfortunately she recovers as she kicks him in the chest as he falls back against the wall.

Sidney scrambled up trying the door first but something was keeping it from opening thanks to Lexi as she used her magic to keep the door closed. Sidney then makes a run to the stairs as billy chases her.

Lexi and hope then walk out of the shadows "well that went better then expected"she says as billy rushed back down panting "she has the door blocked I'm gonna end up climbing to her roof acting like I just came I'll probably end in lock up for the night so y'all and stue need to fool her"he says before getting ride of the costume as he goes to do what he says before Lexi teleports them back to her place.

Sidney turns to Billy with a glare as she raised her hand to slap him but her wrist was caught by a black finger nail polished hand as she turns to see Lexi glaring at her with her hybrid eyes"try that again and see if I don't rip you limb from limb!"she roars as her fangs are bared at Sidney who stumbled back in fear as she falls into Tatum.

The mikealsons watch her with proudness shining in there eyes. Luciana watches her mom with awe she remembers how protective she was of her family hell every enemy they had she either tortured,killed, drained and etc as her friends watch with shock at the power that was pulsing off of Lexi.

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