school ambush

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Hope and Lexi were walking down the hall making many boys turn stareing at there beauty as they smirk before turning down the hall were Stu would be with Tatum and Sidney as they walk down the hall passing by them winky secretly at Stu.

Sidney was deep in thought before closing her locker as she leans against it"this is a mistake I shouldn't be here"she says.

Tatum takes the sucker out of her mouth as she was holding a textbook by her opened locker"I want you to meet me right here after class okay Sid"she says firmly.

Sidney nods her head before thinking as she looks up at Stu"hey I haven't seen billy around is he really pissed"she asked.

"Now that was a stupid ass question"kol says with a deadpanned look.

Stu forced him self not to roll his eyes"oh you mean after you branded him the Candyman no he's heart broken"he says before Tatum hits him as he holds him self from slicing her up right then and there.

Tatum gasp before turning to stu"Stu!!"she says in disbelief who shrugs before lazyly throwing an arm around hope who smirks making Tatum glare.

All of sudden shrieking is Heard making the three turn to see two students dressed up in the killers customs scaring the crap out of Sidney when they pass as she slammed back against the locker while Stu laughs.

The Scooby gang were in disbelief on how anybody can just do something like that after two teens who were killed.

Sidney has tears in her eyes "why are they doing this"she says.

"Are you kidding me it's like Christmas around here"Stu says making Tatum hit him again as Sidney runs off before smacking right into billy while Lexi and hope sneak into the girls bathroom.

Sidney pushed Billy away as he scoffs"whoa whoa whoa whoa you still think it's me"he says still acting like her boyfriend.

Sidney sniffles as she shakes her head "no. No, I I don't it's just somebody was there. Billy someone tried to kill me"she explains.

"I know I know the cops said I scared them away it wasn't me Sid."billy says.

Sidney nods her head "I know he called again last night at Tatum's house"she says.

"You see it couldn't have been me I was in jail"billy says showing his hand smudge with the makeup Lexi done.

"I'm so... sorry please understand"Sidney says stepping forward.

"Understand what? That I have a girlfriend who would rather accuse me...of being a psychopathic killer then touch me"he says hiding the disgust in his voice saying those words.

Sidney shakes her head "you know that's not true."she says.

"Then what is it"billy asked.

" it? Billy I was attacked and nearly fillet last night"Sidney says.

"I mean between us you haven't been the same since--since your mother died"he says as darkness and anger swells with in him as he mentions her mother.

"Is your brain leaking? My mom was killed I can't believe your bringing this up!"Sidney says with disbelief.

"It's been a year"billy says.

"Tomorrow one year tomorrow"Sidney corrects him with tears.

"Well I think it's time you got over that. I mean when my mom left my dad,I accepted it. That's the way it is.shes not coming back"he says.

"Your parents split up this is not the same thing. Your mom left town she's not lying in a coffin somewhere "Sidney says with tears.

"Okay okay I'm sorry it's bad analogy. It's just that I want my girlfriend back"he says forcing those words out as Sidney shakes her head walking past billy "Sid"he says as she turns around facing him walking backwards"billy I'm sorry if my traumatized an inconvenience to you and your perfect existence."she says before heading to the girls bathroom.

When she gets in there she gasp at the sight in front of her one girl lays dead on the floor with hope draining her of blood before seeing the other girl who was dressed as a cheerleader as Lexi holds her up as she removes her blood coated fangs from the girls neck as her eyes wre a bloodish red as she smirks at Sidney"what's a matter human you've looked like you've seen a ghost"she says dropping the dead cheerleader with a thud as hope stands up smirking licking the blood of her hand slowly.

"Damn "many males mutter as billy smirks at his mate who winks at him while Stu was basically was drooling over hope who smirks.

Jack marcher turns to his best friend "I know this may be weird considering the other is my mother but your mother is hot"he says as Lucinda rolls her eyes before making him yelp as she smacks him upside the head .

Sidney looks at the two with fear before whirling around only to scream as she was grabbed by the killer in a ghost face costume as he makes her face the two women who smirk deadly.

Lexi stands forward "hello Sidney we haven't been introduced I'm Lexi Salvatore/ mikaelson and this is my cousin/best friend hope mikaelson"she says walking up to the historical girl as she locks her eyes with her grabbing her jaw"you will remember nothing until I let you you will continue with your life until it's to late the only thing you will remember is being attacked by the killer"she says as her eyes dilated as Sidney repeated before there was a rush as the three vampires disappeared leaving the human who shakes her head before running out the bathroom.

Elena looks at Lexi with disgust "your nothing but a slut and monster"she says.

Lexi raised a pierced eyebrow "says the slut of a slut descendant her self "she says smirking when Elena glares.

Before there was a loud smack making everything going silent as Elena whimpers holding her hand as Lexi stand there with a cold look as it suddenly goes cold in the room as she cracks her neck making many wince.

She them holds her hand out as Elena gasp dropping to her knees as Lexi controls her through her blood as Elena screams as she bends her back in an odd angle when Lexi flicked her wrist as Damon stand up with a glare before rushing over only to be thrown back by hope who roars loudly as glass shattered on top of him.

"You are nothing but a home wrecker and bitch stay away from my family or I will make you death one for the history books"Lexi says coldy before letting Elena go as she was curled up crying while Stefan watched his daughter with proudness along with the rest of the family.

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