Again Late!

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Y/n's POV:

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'M AGAIN LATE FOR MY CLASSES!", I screamed as I laid my gaze on the alarm clock that was going wild for the past half an hour in an attempt of making me wake up.
I quickly got up and ran towards the bathroom, changed, and rushed to my university. I looked like a manic as my hair wasn't brushed nor were my clothes ironed.
I entered the university and ran towards my class when I bumped into someone's stonehard chest.
"I'm sooooo sorry, please forgive me. I'm getting late for my classes.", I said and ran becoz it was Min Yoongi and I wasn't in a state to fight with him right now.

The door of my class was closed so I quickly opened it and I guess I did this all quite loud. I pushed the door kinda too hard that it banged on the wall and as I was breathing heavily my statements were more like screaming, "SIR MAY I COME IN!", I said but everyone started laughing at me including HIM!
"Miss Y/n, what time do you call this huh?", my Economics teacher yelled. Aish I forgot it was my Economics class. This old man is named Lee Ji-Byeong. He is the oldest teacher over here and is extremely strict. More than half of my problems come into existence becoz of him. He always insults me and humiliates me in front of others. I kinda have really bad relations with this teacher.
"I'm sorry sir this won't happen next time.", I said while bowing continuously. "This is the third time you did this, this week.", he said while folding his arms. If it was in his hands he might have murdered me but the only reason he hasn't done that yet is because I always score best in his subject. "I'm sorry sir, I promise this won't happen next time.", I said. He rolled his eyes and signaled me to sit.
My seat was occupied by the bitch I hate the most, Choi Neri. Ugghhhh she is the worst. I hate her, she always causes hurdles for me due to which I end up messing things up. I saw no seat was free, except for the one beside Keo. Mae Keo is a guy who has die heart crush on me, he has proposed to me many times but I rejected him becoz dude I have someone else in my heart.
"MISS Y/N GO TAKE A SEAT!", the old grandpa shouted.
"But sir there is no seat free.", I said to which everyone laughed. "Can't you see one beside Keo.", ughh I mentally face-palmed myself. I dont wanna sit with him. I went and Keo moved into the center with Max, another weird creature. So I had no choice except to sit with this clingy Keo.

The class ended, and thank God I didn't miss today's lecture. It was imperative. I quickly got up and was about to leave when this Keo stopped me,
"Hey, Y/n wait.", ughhhhhh, I forcefully smiled and turned towards him.
"Yes Keo.", I said.
"I wanted to ask....", he was saying but I interrupted and immediately said, "NO!"
"But let me finish first..."
"NO!", I said and ran away coz I know he wanted to ask me out. As I came out of my class I bumped into someone's back. I fell on my ass and rubbed my nose and it hurt alot. The guy turned around and it was HIM, Kim Taehyung! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, The Love of My Life.
"Are you okay?", he questioned and gave me a hand to get up. As I was about to hold his hand this guy came, ugghhhhh I hate him a lot, Park Jimin. He is Taehyung's best friend and my biggest enemy. He quickly pulled Taehyung's hand away from me and knelt down and said, "Aish look at this girl, always embarrassing herself.", with a smirk. I dont know what his problem is. He always teases me and annoys me.
"What the hell is your problem, why are you always after me.", I said as I stood up.
"What, what have I done now princess.", he said acting all innocent.
"Ughhhh dont call me princess, I hate it when u call me this.", I said but he laughed and started chanting, "Princess, princess, princess.....", when another guy approached us; Jeon Jungkook! I hate him as well becoz he also bothers me alot. He took out a few won from his wallet and handed me them.
"What's this for?", I asked as I was confused.
"Buy some clothes for yourself, " he said, and Jimin and Jungkook started laughing. I threw the money in his face and walked away from there. I swear I hate this group so much except for Taehyung, I mean I know he also hates me but he has never bothered me. Only becoz they are my Tae's friends that's why I tolerate them.

At Cafeteria:

I went to the cafeteria as I was dying due to starvation. There were 4 consecutive classes of mine in the morning and I didn't have any food. So I went there and bought pizza, a burger, a cupcake, a soft drink, and a hotdog, okay fine I admit I eat like dogs but right now im really hungry. As I took my seat these 2 idiots came again, yes Jimin and Jungkook.
"OMG Jimin, we have a pig in our university.", Jungkook said and laughed like a psychopath.
"Ikr JK, Y/n tell us do u do such stuff on purpose?", Jimin asked.
"What stuff?", I replied with another question.
"These weird things that u do.", Jungkook said.
"Aish listen I'm really hungry, so dont disturb me, and let me eat my food peacefully.", I said as I rolled my eyes and took a big bite of my burger. They both chuckled and looked at me.
"Now why the hell are you both staring at me?', I said with a stuffed mouth which made them laugh even more.
"Nothing just seeing how you are torturing the food.", Jimin replied when a guy approached us; Kim Seokjin. My history with Jin is not that good. I mean in this group the person who hates me the most is him. He was my crush in the first semester but after what happened between us I avoided him. The thing is he had a relationship with our English teacher Ms. Kim Jina. She was like 3 years older than Jin. They both used to be together a lot, and I used to get jealous becoz he was my crush at that time, duh! So I started spying on him. And one day I found out that he was already in relation with our English teacher. This broke my heart. I quietly left the place when I called my friend Amber (I will tell you about her later), she picked it up, and I told her everything becoz she knew I had a crush on Jin, and that's where I regretted the most. I shouldn't have told her about it coz the next day the news was all over the campus just like a fire in the forest. Jin and Ms. Jina were exposed and somehow Jin found this out, he literally started hating me becoz Ms. Jina was expelled from the faculty by the Principal.
"What r you both doing here with her?", Jin asked while looking at me in disgust.
"Nothing just thought to tease her as we were getting bored.", Jungkook replied so smoothly.
"C'mon guys get up, don't sit next to this 'Walking Catastrophe'.", Jin said. I rolled my eyes but I was glad he took them away from me as now I can eat peacefully.
"Bye princess, we'll meet soon.", Jimin said and winked at me whereas Jungkook blew a kiss to me. Gross!

I ate and then went to my next class which was in the physics lab.

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