Enthabella Rocks!

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One Month Later:

"Guys im planning a party at my house. And all 7 of you have to come.", Jackson said.
"Haha sure buddy we will come.", Jimin assured him.
"Cmon let's go now its our class.", Hoseok hyung said.
"Yes.", I replied.

As we three were walking suddenly a girl bumped into me and said,
"Omg im so sorry I didn't see you.", she said and apologized. Suddenly a memory of Y/n flashed in my mind. It's already been a month but I couldn't erase Y/n or David from my mind. Non of us did. Even though we all act normal but deep down we are dying to only get a glimpse of her. We all are still up to some extent trying to normalize ourselves but Taehyung, he hasn't been same ever since we returned. He isn't the same joyous and carefree Taehyung anymore. He stays quite. Completes his work and then leave. He doesn't go out with us nor likes to hang out with us anymore.

"Guys after today's class let's meet at the Shinari Park. I have something important to discuss. Do inform others aswell.", I said and they both nodded.

After our classes end we all gathered and as usual, Taehyung didn't come.
"What's the matter Kookie?", Namjoon hyung said and suddenly I remembered a few things. I came back to my senses when Jin hyung yanked me.
"Ahh yes, sorry u zoned out, yes guys we all know ever since we came back none of us has been normal even if we try to hide, everything is visible to all of us but Taehyung...", I said.
"What Taehyung?", Yoongi hyung asked.
"Taehyung hasn't been the same even today he refused to come right?", I said as I looked towards Jimin who nodded becoz he asked Taehyung to come but he declined.
"We have to do something. We have to bring Y/n back!", I said to which all of them got confused.
"How can we, it's impossible. She belongs there and coming from a place where you belong to a place where you don't is...", Hoseok hyung was saying when his eyes suddenly popped.
"Easy as compared to going back to a place where you belong from a place where you don't.", Namjoon and Jin hyung said together.
"Exactly, that's what David told us right?", I said and they nodded.
"But how will we do this?", Yoongi hyung asked.
"With the help of Auntie Enthabella. Remember her, David mentioned her. That's where this whole fuss started. That woman told Y/n she doesn't belong here.", Jimin said.
"Yes so that's where we all will go and nicely end this story.", I said, and they all agreed.

Jin hyung found her address and we sat in car and drove there.
Around 6 pm we reached there. The place was creepy as hell but not more than Kileese. Gosh it still gives me nightmares.
"Woah this place is weird!", Yoongi hyung exclaimed.
"Let's go inside then we will know everything.", Jin hyung said.
As we entered, we heard a voice,
"My dear boys I was waiting for you all. How was the trip to Kileese?", she said and we all were Jungshook. We quickly sat and she chuckled.
"Omg how do you know so much?", Jimin asked.
"Umm where is Tannie uhh I mean Taehyung?", she asked and it was clear to us that this lady has some special powers.
"Auntie help us.", i cried and told her everything even though she knew all.

"Hmm, well the news im about to give you will not be so good. It will be quite disturbing but you all have to hear it with alot of courage.", she said which scared us.
"Ezabella told me that David i.e Y/n is no more.", and as soon as those words slipped her mouth our hearts sank.
"WHAT!", we all shouted.
"The day you all left from Kileese, a large crew of Kileesian spirits attacked David's house and somehow captured Ezabella and forced her to open the portal for Earth. David gave up his life for you all.", she said and we didn't get the idea when and how tears started escaping our eyes.
"No, no this can't be possible Y/n is GONE!", Yoongi hyung said while sobbing.
"She is literally gone forever?", Namjoon hyung asked as he couldn't believe his ears. None of us did.
"What will happen if Taehyung gets to know this?", Hoseok hyung asked.
"He will shatter badly! We can't tell him Y/n is gone.", Jimin replied.
"Isn't there any option left?", I asked in hope.
"Well...", she said as we could see in her eyes that something was going on in this little lady's mischievous head.
"What?", we all asked together.
"I knew this all since start, this will happen. Y/n will lose her life so in advance I made arrangements.", she said and took out a silk cloth which had a stand of hair.
"This is Y/n's. When she died in Kileese, Ezabella stored her heart and brain. Now after a few measurements and experiments she will be back on Earth, starting her life from where she stopped here. Do you want that?", she asked and we all yelled yes. Hell yeah we want her.
"But...", she said to which we all got confused.
"But what?", Jin hyung asked.
"She will completely forget you guys, if she had any friends or family here there is a chance she might remember them but you 7 will be completely erased from her life as if you guys never existed for her. Even all the incidents that took place in Kileese won't be a part of her memory unlike you guys remember. So do u all agree?", she asked and we all went silent. She will forget us, we won't be anyone to her anymore.
"Yes we agree, nothing is important for us other than Y/n being here with us.", Jimin did firmly.
"Then it's done, soon you all will be meeting her once again.", she said smilingly.

We all got up and left as we had to leave for Jackson's house.

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