Girai; The Rule Book!

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"So now tell us.", Jiminie said as I started the car.
"Well, rules in Kilieese are really different from those on Earth. Over here the entire world follows one type of rule that is written in Girai; our rule book. Life is easy if you follow the rules but if you don't then life can be miserable as hell."
"But how do you know so much about it when u just joined this world the same day as us?", Tannie asked.
"Yeah like we barely know anything but you have everything in your brain.", Sugi said.
"Well let's just say Kilieese is a movie and I'm a part of the production team that is why I know what is happening. But you guys are the audience you don't know anything and secrets will reveal step by step as you see the movie. I belong here that is why I know everything as if things flow in my blood but you guys don't belong here so things are strange for you all.", I said.
"Ahhh now I got it.", Kookie said.
"Yes that is why even though I joined it with you guys I know everything as if I had been living here.", I replied.
"Okie okie, so don't you have a problem living here?", Hobi asked.
"Why would I sweetie, this is my home. And I think home is a place where your heart is at ease. So yeah no issues for me."
"Now tell us about some rules and those things which we don't know about Kilieese.", Joonie asked.
"Okay first of all everyone over here lives up to 100 years. On their 101st birthday, they die...",
"Woah so that means you all know when you will die?", Tannie asked.
"Yup, we all know. Then we have this rule that a man can marry only a girl younger than him not older otherwise the punishment is death. And same goes for ladies. They can't marry younger boys..."
"Huh my amma married my appa who is 2 years younger than her.", Kookie said being shocked.
"Hahaha love that's the thing on Earth, there aren't strict rules there but over here we ought to follow them."
"Then there are 10 days in a week and a month consists of 5 weeks, and a year consists of 15 months. Even the time is different here. On earth you have 24 hours a day, here we have 35 hours a day..."
"But wait for us time is going the same, 24 hours over here.", Jiminie said.
"Well my love it's becoz you are from Earth, so things aren't totally going bizarre for you, it's like 50-50, 50% Earthly things and 50% Kilieesie things."
"Ahhh I get it, but it surely is complicated a lot.", Tannie said.
"Well yes, it is but there are good things as well, such as a man can marry 10 girls, but can't divorce them or get rid of them, and if he doesn't give them proper time he will be sentenced to death, then the women he owned will get their share of his property and gets to decide whether they wanna marry again or go with relations. Like over here, you are only allowed to have relations such as girlfriends and boyfriends ones till the age of 30, after that if you have been seen with anyone who isn't your spouse you are sentenced to death. But only a woman gets the choice to have relations if his husband is sentenced to death."
"But wait, didn't you say a person dies at the age of 100, or 101 whatever it was.", Jinu said.
"Yes, but that is a natural death, people kill each other over here, they are sentenced to death if they broke some law, things are somehow similar but not that much with those of Earth."
"But what if a man only wants to marry one woman?", Hobi asked.
"Well that's not possible even if he wants to coz then desires come in the way, men aren't different over here from that of the earth, u see."
"Ahh men are so disgusting!", Sugi said.
"Yup they are Yoongi.", I said to which she replied,
"Hey, I meant other than me."
"Hahahaah. Don't worry, you girls won't be a part of this system. And even if you guys won't be able to go back which I won't let happen but just say if it does, imma gonna marry all of you. I mean I can't let my adorable babies go into the hands of beasts. I love you all so much.", I said.
"Why do you love us so much, even though we have been so bad to you.", Jinu said.
"Girls listen, I have been a girl, it feels like I have lived 2 lives, one as a boy and one as a girl. I always wanted someone to treat me the way I am treating you guys, as long as u think it's not bad, but I never got anything like this. I never got any kind of love from any relation. My parents left me becoz of their own personal interests, I never had true friends like the ones I had used me, and I never got someone to rely upon. Being a human is not easy. I'm not saying that girls face more than boys but the way girls are created by God they have a lot of sentiments and emotions. Boys are good at hiding that is why they are considered to be strong and the ones whose lives are 'perfect' but of course that isn't true. But girls are really sensitive, what thing they dislike you can't tell, what is going through their minds u can't tell, are they mad at you or wants a hug u cant tell. I have experienced it a lot becoz I had been a girl, so I don't want that you all should feel like me, like a left out. As long as you all are here I wanna treat you in the best possible manner.", I said but they all were silent. Then a call came so I attended it but as my phone is connected to my car's system the phone was on speaker.
"Hello.", I said but I did a mistake to attend the call becoz things kinda blew up.
"Babyyyyyyyyyyy, how are you?", it was Liraya; my girlfriend.
The girls suddenly got so furious, and Hobi mouthed me 'Who is she?'
"Ahh Liyo my love how are you?", I said but I was insanely sweating becoz the glares that girls were giving me scared me to death.
"Love I'm fine but I am missing you a lot, why didn't you come to visit me.", Liraya said.
"Liraya, girl I'm out of the city you know nah!"
"Yes baby but I miss you, I miss your lips, your body, your touch....."
"Ahh Liraya is there something important u wanna talk about.", I quickly changed the topic becoz I can feel that the girls will kill me any moment now, and why the fuck Liraya had to call me now!
"Honey are you busy right now, I feel as if you don't wanna talk to me", Liraya said.
"Ahh no sweetie ah I am driving the car.", I said.
Okay, I can see I'm dead when I reach home.
"Oh, I see, hehe sorry, I thought something else. By the way can we both do it this time when we meet? U never let me feel you.", Liraya said, aish why this woman wanna find me dead. What will girls think of me, that I'm a pervert!
"Ahh Liraya can we talk later.", I said.
"Why aren't you referring to me by nicknames, why are you calling me Liraya? Is something wrong?", she said.
"No love...", I was saying but from the rearview mirror I saw Kookie, Tannie, and Jiminie mouthing 'Love huh?'. Oh, David, you're dead today.
"Answer me, David, are you sick of me?", Liraya said.
"No baby why are you saying such stuff, I'm in the middle of the road, should I focus on driving or your nicknames?', I said but this blew her up.
"Oh so you mean the road is more important to you than me?"
"Girl have you lost your mind, if I won't focus on the road I will die. Then how am I supposed to marry you?", I said but regretted becoz this calmed Liraya but blew off the girls.
"Oh hehe sorry, okay love then you drive and I will go and eat. But don't forget to call me at night, I will be in the shower okay.", she said and I quickly said bye and declined the call.
Oh God, why are you like this with me? Now I have to bear the wrath coming towards me.

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