Front Seat!

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I went upstairs to my room.
"Yes Sugi....woah what is happening here?", I asked as I saw Jinu and Kookie fighting over my shirt.
"See David they both are fighting for this shirt.", Tannie said.
"Woah girls don't fight, pick something else.", I said but Kookie replied,
"Ask her to choose something else. I picked it up first."
"So what I laid my eyes on it first.", Jinu said.
"Jinu choose something else.", I said to which she replied,
"No David, I like this. I wanna wear it."
"Kookie, please give it to her. Select something else for yourself.", I said to which Jinu quickly snatched the shirt and told,
"This is mine now.", and started laughing.
"Fine take it, I'm not going out with you guys.", Kookie said and angrily stomped out of my room.
"Aish now look you made her angry.", I said to Jinu.
"But I liked this shirt.", she said making a pout looking extremely cute.
"Can I keep it?", she said while making puppy eyes. Now how can I resist her?
"Okay fine, my queen wants it, so this is yours from today onwards.", I said and she jumped like a kid.
"Okay girls, you go to your rooms and change. I'll go and see Kookie.", I said and they all nodded.

I went into Kookie's room and she stood angrily near the dressing table.
"Awwww my adorable Kookie is angry.", I said as I went near her.
"Go away, I don't wanna talk to you.", she said while folding her arms and turning her back towards me. I know how to deal with this kid so I hugged her from back.
"So my love is angry with me. Tell me what I should do to bring a beautiful smile to the world's prettiest girl's face.", I said while squeezing her into my arms.
"I liked that shirt, I wanted to wear it. But you gave it to her."
"My love we are going out and I'm gonna buy the whole shop for you. Now fix your mood, please.", I said and she turned towards me but her next move surprised me. She tiptoed and pecked my lips and got shy.
"That's not how you kiss someone.", I said and pulled her towards me and kissed her. Her lips are just so soft. Then after a minute I moved back and squished her cheeks.
"Always keep that beautiful smile on your face becoz that's how I love you the most.", I said.
"David, did you ever love me back on Earth.", she asked.
"Hmmm, what do you think?", I asked with a smile as she was in my embrace and looking at me.
"Maybe yes.", she said not being sure.
"Well you are right, in 4th semester I loved you a lot.", I said to which she asked,
"Then why didn't you tell me?".
"Amber. Remember her.", I said to which she got those embarrassed and guilty expressions on her face.
"I'm sorry.", she said while facing down.
I lifted her chin and said, "Ahh no, not the sad face again. This doesn't suit my queen."
"NO, it is my fault. I got distracted. She was a bitch after all. But I swear when I got to know her intentions I left her. I thought maybe you hate me so that is why I went to Amber, but one of the reasons was to get close to you."
"It's okay Kookie, I can't blame you after all that happened, just leave it, forget about it. It was past."
"You tried warning me about her but I didn't listen."
"It is okay, and now I'm not even Y/n anymore so relax."
"I couldn't be with you as Jungkook but I wanna be with you as Kookie."
"My love you are with me, and I am all yours but till the time you don't return to Earth. After that, our paths will be separated."
"Then I don't wanna go back."
"Hahaha okay, leave that for now and come with me. Select a shirt. Ooh look your hair color changed."
"Ahh, I kinda like this."
"Hahaha come on.", I said and took her with me.

Kookie was selecting clothes for herself when I heard a knock at my door.
"May I come in?", it was Jiminie.
"Ah girl where were you.", I asked as I approached her.
"I was washing the dishes."
"Yes, they are all clean now."
"Aish Jiminie you aren't a slave here, u did this today. You won't do it again. U are a queen and as long as you are here you won't touch anything. Why the hell am I here.", I said and she smiled. Ahh, I love her smile.
"Now come on select something for yourself to wear.", I said and took her to my closet. Both Kookie and Jiminie selected the clothes and went to their rooms. I also took a bath and wore this.

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