Cruel Life!

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Sugi's POV (aka Yoongi):

I was sitting in my room as silence engulfed it. I have always loved peace and quietness. It just feels so right and perfect but lately, the turn that came in my life has badly shaken me. I never knew things could go so out of hands.

I always maintained my distance from Y/n. She was the girl who gave me negative vibes. I knew from the start that she would end up getting things messed up but I never expected myself to be a part of it. Life is complicated to understand. The things from which you run away, escape, getaway these are the ones that come up in front of you at the most unexpected times.
Y/ n was one of those things in my life from whom I used to run away. I never realized when my hatred turned into a passionate love for her.

I never made any good memories with her. She was someone I loathed alot until all those events that occurred during the past few days. How he saved us from those men on the street. How he scolded me and made me cry. How he apologized to me and picked me in his arms without feeling any embarrassment. How all of a sudden his every action attracted me and made me fall in love with him deeply. When it happened, how it happened I don't have any answers for that but the thing that I know now is not letting him go. I will make him mine if that's possible.

I never fell in love with anyone in my entire life. It just seemed like a fairytale that was worthless, purely fiction, and waste of time. But as I turned into a girl I realized this was something I always wanted. It was a deep desire in me to be fulfilled. Maybe no one ever treated me that way or made me feel the way Y/n does. No matter what happens, whatever gender she turns into, for me she will always be Y/n, my walking catastrophe.

I was lost in my thoughts when a knock interrupted them. A huge smile conquered my lips as I knew well who it was.

I went to the door and saw David standing outside with a weak smile. His eyes showed the pain that was building up inside him.
"May I come in Sugi?", he politely asked me to which I nodded but the smile disappeared becoz of seeing his sad face.
I held his hands and his eyes landed on my face showing some kind of surprise as if he wasn't expecting this from me.
" What happened David? Why you look so sad?", I asked him to which he denied at first. This frustrated me not becoz he wasn't telling me but becoz why should he be in pain alone. I can't see him in distress. He does so much for us. He doesn't deserve this.
"Yaah don't make me mad, otherwise it won't be good for you. Now shutup and tell me!", I commanded as I fold my hands in front of my chest.

He glanced at me for a while then smiled and said, " For a moment I thought Yoongi came back.", but a few tears escaped his side. I never saw him like this. He was weak. Really weak which ached my heart. I never knew under that strong body lived a soft and broken man.
I quickly made him sit on the bed and then bent down beside the bed saying, "D-david im sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. Please forgive....", I was saying but he intruptred me by a sudden burst of tears. I sat beside him on the bed and quickly took him in my embrace.
"Shhhh everything gonna be alright.", I said and he held me even tighter. His head was resting on the crook of my neck and his tears were wetting my shirt. How I wished all his pain could be transferred to me so that he should never shed tears again and keep that beautiful dimple smile on his face forever.

"Sugi I can't take this pain anymore. It's breaking me from inside.", David said, sobbing hard.
"Share with me David.", I said as I moved my hand gently through his hair.
"Sugi...", he said holding me tight, "...Sugi I don't want you all to go. I really love you all. I know I am being selfish becoz the thought of losing you all is terrifying me to death. I just came back from Jinu and Hobi's room and only I know how difficult it was for me to control those tears. Indeed, I never liked you guys back on earth but here my life without you guys is like a body without a soul.", he said and my eyes filled with tears aswell, so I spoke, " Then don't let us go.".

David stopped crying and looked in my eyes saying, "I rather kill myself than not sending you girls back.", his tone was so serious that it gave chills down my spine.
"Becoz if I let you girls stay here, you all will die.", as soon as the words left his mouth I froze on my spot.
"Listen Sugi im only telling you this as I feel you are the only one who will understand my emotions...", he said and I felt really special at that time so I nodded and he continued, "...Kileese is a dangerous place for the nonbelongers'. There are certain spirits in this world which have been devouring millions of souls for the past 50,000 years. This is a long story but its summary is that these spirits are dangerous and somehow even when I tried my best to hide you guys they found you and they will come for you within a few days BUT...but don't worry I have planned things and by this Friday you all will be back on Earth, even if it offers my soul to be sacrificed.", David said and for a moment my world stopped.
Things started going crazy in my mind not becoz of these stupid ass spirits but becoz of what he said after that. We will leave by Friday which means we won't see David anymore and even fuck off that what does he mean by sacrificing his soul?

I don't know why but I lost my temper as I was trying hard to control my tears which were at the edge of flowing down my cheeks.
"What the fuck do you mean by sacrificing your soul? What will happen to you, CLEAR THIS MESS ORELSE I WILL KILL YOU BY MY OWN HANDS! Explain!".
He smiled at me and made me sit beside him coz I got no idea when I stood up while screaming at him.
"I will offer my soul to those spirits in case if they catch you before you guys leave for Earth.", he said and now it was done, I couldn't hold back those tears.
" Our souls, i.e. of Kileesians are one of the most powerful souls in the entire multi-universe. Even more powerful than these spirits. We can kill these spirits but it requires some process, in simple words back on Earth you have saints, here we have Monarics. We have to go through some process so that we can become Monaric, so we can finish these spirits but for that you have to give away 20 years of your life and no one here except for a few are willing to give up their lives for something that doesn't harms them. Then it requires 15 years of practice after that you become one of those powerful majestics'. But I won't be doing that coz I can't keep you here for 15 DAMN years when you girls are not even safe for more than 15 days. So if things go wrong I will offer my soul to them which they can consume instead of taking your lives. A Kileesian's life is worth 100 lives of people belonging from Earth, and 200 from Aliwakk, which is another planet in this universe where people exist and 1000 from Zubaj but forget about these planets what I am trying to say is that you don't have to worry and you have to convince others to agree on this decision of going back to Earth becoz I know they won't listen. And im sorry for dropping such news on you like this but I can't trust anyone else besides you.", he said and I just nodded while standing up.
"Don't worry, I won't disappoint you.", I said while facing to the other side becoz I didn't want him to see my more tears. I was about to go towards my closet when all of a sudden I felt strong grip on my waist and chin on the crook of my neck.
"I love you Sugi, I just wish that all of this shouldn't have to end like this.", he said as his tears were flowing down my collar bone and I also ended up crying.

I wish life wasn't this cruel!

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