11. Little Devil

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"You have to get up." Aislynn murmured against Tommys chest. He held her closer.

"You are on top of me." Tommy corrected.

"Im going to be queen. We cant do this once Im wed... we cant be caught."

"Easy. We wont get caught. We havent so far." Tommy reminded her.

"I will have all eyes on me." Aislynn corrected.

"You already do." Tommy corrected kissing her neck.

"Gods im going to be Aislynn Hightower Targaryen."

"Gross." Tommy agreed.

"Queen Aislynn". She coed.

"That has a nice ring to it." Tommy admitted kissing her again. She yawned snuggling into him. "You think father ever knew about us?"

"No. Fathers remain ignorant for these things." Aislynn assured.

"I dont want to let you go." 

"Then dont." Aislynn agreed. 

"You are going to be queen." 

Queen echoed through her mind, damn right she was going to be queen. Her heels clicked on the ground. She had always been on to be very fashion forward, like her high heels. Most woman of course were these awful little heels that was the size of a peanut, Aislynn refused, she wanted to be taller, to be seen and known, the click of her heels gave her that. Her clothes were always one of a kind because she modified them and designed them herself. She liked experimenting with lace and cut outs throughout the dress which most women in court thought only harlots showed that much skin but she was only going to be this young and beautiful for so long before she was pumped with children and her body sagged. She was going to flaunt it while she had it. 

"FInny," she coed as she passed. "Alicent, Rhaenyra lovely day." 

Rhaenyra had been quiet. She was never one to be quiet and yet since the announcement she had kept her distance from Aislynn. She went to lessons with Alicent and they studied together but Alicent told her there was something off about her. She worried their friendship would not survive this strange and new transition. Aislynn assured her that their friendship was stronger than anything else, that since Alicent had done nothing wrong, Rhaenyra wouldnt blame her. Alicent hoped she was right, she didnt want to lose her friend. 

"You want to go for a ride?" Rhaenyra questioned and Alicent looked up from her book. 

"I do!" Finn declared reaching his hand up as if he was a good volunteer. 

"Like a horseback ride?" Alicent offered. 

"A ride." Rhaenyra corrected. Alicent half thought she was going to drop her from the clouds. 

"Are you mad at me?" Alicent questioned. 

"No." Rhaenyra answered immediately.

"Are you sure?" 

"I'm sure. Why would I be mad?" Rhaenyra countered. 

"That Aislynn is marrying your father." Alicent whispered like it was a sin. 

"It is going to be weird." Rhaenyra admitted. "But... I dont know... better her than Laena I guess." Rhaenyra offered. "I dont want to talk about it." she murmured. 

"Right, yes, of course." Alicent agreed. 

"So a ride?" 

"I... can we ride horses instead?" So thats what they did, they went out of their horses and rode down the trail. Aislynn watched them leave from Viserys window. 

"Something wrong my queen?" 

"Alicent and Rhaenyra are going for a ride." Aislynn informed him. 

"Thats nice." Viserys agreed. "They have always been like sisters."

"That they have." Aislynn agreed. She hoped they could be friend forever. But forever was the sweetest con. 

"So I heard from the staff that you have everything all planned out and ready to go." Viserys remarked. 

"I'm efficient." Aislynn agreed. 

"The castle will be running itself with you in charge." Viserys declared. 

"That would be nice." Aislynn agreed. "I already need a vacation, this wedding is sucking up all my energy." she mused. 

"A vacation from me?"

"WIth you." Aislynn corrected. She knew that having Tommy here, although she loved him and wanted him closer he was a temptation and she didnt need that extra little devil on her shoulder when Tommy looked like he did. 

"Viserys," she sat down beside him. An arm draped over the back of his side of the couch. "Do you ever think about how different your life would be if you were not king?"

"I used to." Viserys agreed. "I... I try not to anymore." 

"What would you be doing?" Aislynn pondered. 

"I would be..." Viserys chuckled. 


"You are going to laugh." 

"I might, tell me anyways." Aislynn urged. 

"Alright," Viserys chuckled out as he got up moving to the trunk. "Aemma didnt really like it, but I used to carve all the time. She said I got wood shavings everywhere and then it smelled of paint- anyways." he held it out for her and she examined it, it was a person, a little person figurine. "You gave me a little figurine of a dragon, it made me think... well it got me carving again and its harder than I remember." Viserys remarked. "But... well its beautiful and fun. I wanted to make you something." 

"Thats sweet." Aislynn agreed. 

"Here you are." Viserys held out a little jewelry box, Aislynn's jaw dropped. "It's not done yet but it will be and- well I hope you like it when its done. I just wanted you to know I'm working on it for you." 

"Viserys, this is beautiful." The little wooden box had roses and vines carved into the sides and her initials circled and carved on the top. 

"I hoped you would like it." Viserys agreed. 

"You made this for me..."

"You are my wife, I want you to be happy and I know this is... strange perhaps you and I that is but... might we figure it out like wood carving it takes time but the end result is worth the hard work it took to get there." Viserys remarked hopefully. 

"I couldnt agree more." Aislynn assured as she gave him a kiss. 

Little Devil / Viserys Targaryen / Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now