49. Ninja

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"What are you writing?" Aislynn questioned. Anari and Jaeton were five years old and Anari had gotten into writing letters. Aislynn loved reading Anaris misspelled words and trying to decipher what Anari was trying to say.

"Shh its for you, its a secret." Anari corrected scribbling on the page.

"Your letters always make me smile." Aislynn remarked. Anari smiled back at her.

Anaria scribbled away before rolling it up requesting the seal and asking for help sealing it. Aislynn helped her pour a bit of wax and anari smashed down the royal targaryen emblem.

"Wonderful," aislynn remarked.

"Dont read it yet!" Anari instructed holding it.

"Okay." Aislynn agreed kissing the top of her head.

"Ooh can you help me seal this one for uncle tommy too?" Anari questioned. "Its got a pretty picture in it- shh dont tell him."

"Hes going to love it!" Aislynn assured.

"Anari come play with me!" Jaeton begged. "Im so bored!"

"Almost done!" Anari corrected smashing down the seal with enthusiasm. "Done!"

"That was literally forever." Jaeton teased smiling back at his twin.

"I gotta find uncle tommy then we play." Anari assured.

"Hes at the door. Him and ser criston just switched." Jaeton informed her.

"Great the search is over!" Anari agreed.

Aislynn was reading over anaris note trying to decipher it with alicent that night. Aemond, linae and Jace were all tuckered out that night after a play date and fast asleep. Tommy was getting the twins to bed and aegon decided he didnt need a bedtime anymore and was being rebellious.

"What word do you think that is?" Aislynn giggled out over a bottle of wine.

"Could be... flower or watermelon...." Alicent pondered before laughing out. "No neither of those make sense!"

"We are to drunk to be deciphering." Aislynn decided as the door opened with a knock.

"I was looking for you. Should have known to look here." Michael remarked.

"You two are so cute." Aislynn decided as michael kissed alicent.

"Thank you. I agree." Alicent said contently.

"Oh Aislynn the king was looking for you." Michael remarked.

"Okay, you two stay and be cute and I will find my less handsome husband-" aislynn teased getting up. "Love you!"

"Love you Lynnie!" Alicent declared.

"You summoned me?" Aislynn questioned tossing her hair up when she got to viserys and her shared chambers.


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"I... aislynn you always make me speechless ." Viserys remarked.

"I know." She agreed with a pop of her shoulder. Viserys lips skimmed across aislynns skin as they made their way to her mouth. The kisses were slow and intentional. He was taking his time, they had all the time in the world, exploring her mouth and the explosion of feelings surging between them.

Her hands travel up to his neck, fingers trilled the base of his neck pulling him closer. That touch deepened the kiss. As things progressed, he walked her back to the bed, as she sat down she wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him closer.

"Mama," Aegon whispered pushing open the door that night. Aislynns eyes peeled open.

"Baby? Whats wrong?" Aislynn squinted in the darkness.

"I had a bad dream." Aegon whispered. Aislynn reached out for him.

"Come here. I will protect you." She assured.  Aegon fell right back asleep in her arms and turned into a ninja. Aislynns eyes popped open and saw aegon shifting along the bed. Viserys didnt seem to notice.


"Go back to sleep." Aislynn whispered as she got up slipping on her slippers and throwing on a robe. "Sleep. Aegon is fine and ninja kicking me. Sleep."

She pushed open Tommys door and closed it silently. He was asleep and alone no children snuck into his chambers with nightmares, so that was a good start. Aislynn slipped off her slippers and shrugged off her robe.

Aislynn ran a hand down tommy back. Tommy rolled over in bed when he felt the weight shift.


"Go to sleep." Aislynn whispered.

"What are you doing here, love?" Tommy countered. "Not that im complaining." Tommy kissed her. His arms pulling her in.


"Aislynn, what happened?" Tommy begged thinking the worst.

""Dont kick me in your sleep" aislynn requested

"What do you think I'm doing at night? I sleep. I'm not at a battle royale in my dreams." Tommy teased.

"Aegon kicks in his sleep." Aislynn remarked. "Like ninja kicking. Its sweet it is. He has a bad dream and he comes to get me and says the bad dreams go away... Finn said the same thing when he was little." Aislynn recalled.

"You are a great mum." Tommy remarked. "I just wish you had a great husband. Me in particular."

"Can't have it all." Aislynn mused.


"Night Tom." Aislynn whispered he nodded laying back on his back staring up at the ceiling. Aislynn curling into him. She didnt know when she finally fell asleep but when she woke Tommys lips were grazing across her and a smile curved her lips.

Little Devil / Viserys Targaryen / Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now