46. Get Naked

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Aislynn decided she was starving. Everything looked good. Her cravings this pregnancy were sweet and salty and everything in between. Tommy waited on her hand and foot as if he wasnt already doing that.

Tommy placed a frozen ball of goodness before her with melting oozing chocolate all around it. Aislynn was practically drooling. 

"You are literally the best!" Aislynn declared shoving her spoon in

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"You are literally the best!" Aislynn declared shoving her spoon in. Tommy was about to sit down when Viserys came in. Aegon was marching in behind him. 

"Wow, that looks delicious." Viserys remarked. 

"Yummy!" Aegon agreed pulling himself into Aislynn's lap. "I have one, uncle Tom?" Aegon questioned. 

"Of course." Tommy agreed. 

"For me as well." Viserys agreed settling beside Aislynn. "How are you feeling my love?" Viserys questioned. Tommy glared back at them as he begrudgingly left. 

"I'm suddenly starving and might eat your portion." Aislynn remarked. She held out her spoon though for him. He took a bite and she kissed the chocolate from his lips. 

"Delicious." Viserys agreed keeping his hand on her thigh. "I feel as though the council has kept me away from you for days." Viserys remarked. "When I come to see you at the end of the day you are fast asleep." 

"I'm so tired this pregnancy." Aislynn agreed. "I have all this energy and then night comes and I'm just wiped out." 

"Understandable. I heard Alicent was pregnant again." Viserys recalled. 

"Yes... Jace is so handsome... but Linnae- at least to Alicent she thinks Linnae has a crush on our Aemond." Aislynn remarked. 

"Yes..." Viserys chuckled. "I heard Rhaenyra is expecting again, Lyonel was telling me." 

''Rhaenyra didnt talk to you?" Aislynn countered. 

"We dont speak of these things." Viserys offered. 

"Maybe you should." Aislynn suggested. 

"Thats a mothers duty. I wouldnt know what to say and you are so good with her." Viserys countered taking another bite. 

"This is exciting, I'm hoping for a little boy. One of each." Michael remarked when he found tommy in the hallway. "That looks good, Alicent has been wanting the weirdest foods this pregnancy. Pickles, Aislynn had the capital making and fermenting cucumbers, turning them into this gross slimy thing but Alicent cant get enough of them- I saw her dunk the pickle in the frosting yesterday." Tommy stared back at him silently his step faltering. "I know weird right. Sorry you are busy-" 

"Aislynn is with her husband." Tommy countered. "And I dont want to intrude." 

"Oh they are really at it all the time arent they?" Michael realized. 

"No they are just talking but..." 

"Does he miss council meetings?" Michael went on "Alicent said the other day she went to see Aislynn and she heard moans- I know I shouldnt speak such ways but it is only because you are her brother."

"What is your point?" Tommy countered. 

"Well then I passed the council room and they were having a meeting." Michael remarked. 

"Must have missed a meeting." Tommy mused, nope that was him. This baby was definitely Hightower, Aislynn had a higher sex drive this baby. "Excuse me Michael," a new found spring in Tommys step as he headed to Aislynn's chambers. "I should get this in before it melts." 

"Yeah, of course, I was supposed to be getting pickles." Michael remembered turning around and sprinting down the hall. 

"Tommy my hero, we ate this one," aislynn remarked. "And Aegon got it all over his handsome little face." She added. Aegon nodded his tongue waggling trying to lick his face clean, unsuccessfully. 

"Holding out for a hero." Tommy mused. "Need wait not a moment longer, here I am." He placed the sweets before them and Aegon reached out but Aislynn scooped him up. 

"You need a bath you already ate too much." Aislynn countered. "You are going to be bouncing off the walls." 

"Can I do that?" Aegon countered. 

"Forget I said anything," Aislynn mused kissing his chocolate cheek.  She peered out requesting a bath be drawn by the nearest handmaiden. They rushed to Aislynns request. 

"Can you keep Aegon from getting too sticky while I check on Anari, Jae and Aemond?" Aislynn questioned passing off Aegon. 

"Of course." Viserys agreed Aegon reached out for the food grabbing a chunk of chocolate and quickly sucking it into his mouth. "We dont have to tell your mother I'm failing already." viserys mused. 

The bath was filled half way, the bubbles piled high. Aegon jumped up peering into the tub. Aislynn's hand dragged down Tommy's back as she moved behind him to get to Aegon, checking the water temperature. 

"Aegon, get naked." Aislynn requested. Aegon smirked pulling off his clothes and stumbling out of his pants. He smiled back at her rooting  his hands on his little hips. 

"You have this covered." Viserys laughed out kissing Aislynn good night. 

"Night Vis'' Aislynn agreed. She waited until they were alone before glancing back at Tommy. "Tommy." She commanded. "Get naked." 

Little Devil / Viserys Targaryen / Tommy ShelbyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα