In Town

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"Oh he's so beautiful." Bridget says as she sees the king inside a store.

"And so are you." Poppy says.

"Oh he'll know that I'm just a scullary maid." Bridget says worriedly.

"No no." Poppy says.

"I have to get out of here." Bridget says.

"I'll be right here for you Bridget." Poppy says.

"You'll tell me what to say right?" Bridget asks nervously.

"Of course I will." Poppy says.

"Hey I'm gonna go look around." Alexis says as the other trolls look at her.

"Alexis I thought you were gonna help us?" Poppy asks.

"I am but I have something I lost near here the last time I was in town." Alexis says.

"What did you lose?" Biggie asks.

"A necklace of mine. It belong to my adoptive mother and I really want to find it." Alexis says.

"Wait is the necklace silver with some purple thing on it?" Bridget asks.

"Yes how did you know?" Alexis asks.

"I saw something like that over by the shop that way. It was near some boxes." Bridget says.

"I'm going to get it and I'll be back. I won't be long." Alexis says as she is about to jump out of the colorful hair.

"You shouldn't go alone." Branch says.

"I'll go with her." Cooper says.

"You don't have to go with me." Alexis says as she looks at Cooper.

"Hey you helped our friends so I'll help you. Besides I wanna see why Poppy thinks we will get along." Cooper says as he smiles.

"Okay. Just be careful you two." Poppy says as Alexis jumps onto the ground and grows to the size of a normal wolf.

"Jump down onto me and stay hidden in my fur. You won't get spotted that way." Alexis says.

"No need to tell me twice." Cooper says as he jumps onto Alexis and quickly hides in her fur before Alexis then begins walking.


"I can see why Poppy thought we'd get along. You're different than others I met." Cooper says as he is sitting on Alexis's head hiding in her fur while she is walking down an ally after having found her necklace.

"Is that good or bad?" Alexis asks.

"Good of course. You're pretty fun to hang out with. Still don't know why she thinks we look similar." Cooper says happily.

"That's for another reason. I'll show you once we're out of here and before I get back to my travels." Alexis says.

"Do you not have a home?" Cooper asks as Alexis begins to walk a little slower at his question.

"Sort of. The place I come from has people of all sorts. I just left because I didn't exactly feel at home. Like something was missing. You know?" Alexis asks.

"I understand. I'm glad I was able to come with you and help you find your necklace. It's really pretty like you. I mean I've never seen a wolf before and I really like your color." Cooper says as Alexis blushes slightly.

"Oh um thank you. I'm happy you came too. I guess poppy was right. We would get along." Alexis says as she smiles slightly.

"Why don't you come back to Pop village? You could even stay in Pop village. I could introduce you to everyone and show you some really cool sights. If you want to that is." Cooper says.

"I don't know about staying but I could definitely come visit. If you want." Alexis says.

"I'd like that." Cooper says as he smiles causing Alexis to smile before seeing Bridget run out of a building.

"Whoa. Looks like the others definitely did something. We better go catch up." Alexis says as she takes off running after Bridget.


"There you two are." Branch says as Alexis stops upon seeing the other trolls in the hallway of the castle.

"Sorry. We kinda lost track of time a bit." Alexis says sheepishly.

"Aww so you guys are getting along. Just like I knew you would." Poppy says happily.

"What's going on? Where's Bridget?" Cooper says.

"We can't worry about Bridget at the moment." Branch says.

"Creek is alive and we're going to save him." Poppy says.

"He's alive?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Yeah. Come on." Poppy says as Alexis shrinks herself down to her small wolf self and follows after the others with Cooper.


"Oh I can't unsee what I just saw but the jewel you said he was in is in there." Alexis says as she is grossed out seeing the prince in work out clothes and running on a treadmill before the group make their way over to the jewel before are chased by a crocodile creature as they try to open it. The group eventually manage to lose the creature and stop before proceeding to open the jewel as they then see it is empty.

"No. He can't be gone." Poppy says sadly.

"I'm sorry Poppy. We're too late." Branch says as he looks at Poppy.

"Actually your timing is perfect." A bergen says as she then captures the group in a cage.


"Sorry but I can't have you leaving before tomorrow's dinner. A dinner to which you are all invited and when I say all I mean every troll in troll village. As for you little wolf I don't know what you are and you're certainly not a troll but you'll make a fine pet for the king. Until then you can wait here with the trolls." The Bergen says as she looks at Alexis and the others causing Alexis to growl lowly at her.

"You'll never find them! Not where they're hiding!" Poppy shouts as the Bergen goes to walk off before stopping.

"You're right. I couldn't find them. But I could with someone they know. Someone they trust. Someone like this guy." The Bergen says as she comes over and pulls Creek out of her pouch.

"Creek! You're alive!" Poppy shouts happily as she sets Creek down in front of the cage.

"He's selling us out!" Branch says angrily as he wraps his hair around Creek's neck.

"Branch wait! I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation. At least give him a chance." Poppy says as Branch lets go of Creek.

"Thank you Poppy. I'm selling you out." Creek says as Poppy wraps her hair around his neck as the others get her to let go of him.

"You better explain yourself Creek!" Poppy says angrily.

"He did it to save himself Poppy. That's all anyone ever does when they sell others out." Alexis says as she angrily glares at Creek.

"That can't be it. What's the reason Creek?" Biggie asks.

"No she's totally right." Creek says as he explains he is gonna help the Bergens get the rest of the trolls.

"No Creek. Please don't do this." Poppy says as Creek takes her cowbell.

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