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Briget heard voices coming from the building behind her and turned around to see a bib store. She then looks through the window to find king gristle inside complaining about the bibs to the store owner. She gawked at him.

"Oh, he's so beautiful".

"And so are you". Poppy reminded from inside the Bergen's new hair and she began to panic.

"He'll know I'm just a skcullary maid. I got to get out of here!".

"No, no, no, no. I'll be right here for you, Briget.  We all will".

"Yeah. And suck it up, buttercup. There's no going back now". Willow exclaimed, earning a playful glare from the pink troll.


"You'll tell me what to say, right?". Briget asked the troll princess hopefully and she smiled reassuringly.

"Of course I will".

"Of course I will". Briget repeated in a diva voice, to which willow rolled her eyes.

"Not like that! Just wait until we get inside, okay?".


"Oh, your majesty. Look at you, such a big big boy". The shop owner exclaimed, tying a ducky bib around king gristle's neck as said king was busy admiring his new bib, his royal guards clapping for him in the process.

"I love it".

"I think you look fat".

That sudden comment made everyone gasp in shock while the king was angered.


Everyone turned around to see Briget, who got speechless as she started to regret this.

"P-H, phat. Then strike that pose". Poppy quickly whispered to Briget, who corrected herself.

"P-H, phat". She said before striking a pose. The king looked at her, his eyes widened in awe like he was under some sort of trance.

"Hot laugh. Total homely from a total babe". He said, walking towards her as she giggled nervously before he grabbed her hand. "And who might you be?".

"Uh . . . Eh".

"Your name is um . . . Uh". Poppy looked at her friends for any help.





"My name is lady glitter sparkles, seriously". Bright related all what she was hearing from the trolls, which seemed to confused gristle but he shrugged it off and smirked at her.

"Well, m'lady glitter sparkles. Ha ha! Would you care to join me for an evening at captain star funkle's roller rink and arcade?".

"Would I. Would I?". The girl Bergen repeated to the princess on her head for an answer.

"Yes. You'd be delighted". She replied.

"Yes. You'd be delighted".

"Oh? Indeed I would". King gristle said with a grin, his hand still holding unto hers.

"When are you gonna ask him about creek?". Willow heard her brother ask poppy and turned to them.

"We have to warm him up first. Don't you know anything about romance?".

"Of course. I'm passionate about it". Branch rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, while poppy looked surprised.


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