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1. Virbhadra Avatar: This incarnation of Lord Shiva happened when
It was when Mata Sati sacrificed her body in the Yagya organized by Daksha. When Lord Shiva came to know of this, he uprooted a lock of hair from his head in anger and hurled it furiously on top of the mountain. From the eastern part of that hair, the fearsome Virbhadra appeared. This incarnation of Shiva destroyed Daksha's yagya and beheaded Daksha by beheading him.

2. Pippalad Avatar: This form of Lord Shiva in human life
Avatar is of great importance. Redressal of Shani's pain was possible only by the grace of Pippalad.

3. Nandi Avatar: Lord Shankar represents all living beings. The Nandishwar incarnation of Lord Shankar also follows this and gives the message of love to all living beings. Nandi (the bull) is the symbol of Karma, which means Karma is the basic mantra of life.

4. Bhairav Avatar: In Shiva Mahapuran, Bhairav has been described as the complete form of God Shankar.

5. Ashwatthama: According to the Mahabharata, Ashwatthama, the son of Dronacharya, the guru of the Pandavas, was an incarnation of Kaal, Krodha, Yama and Lord Shankar. It is believed that Ashwatthama is immortal and he still resides on earth. According to Shivmahapuran (Shatrudrasanhita-7), Ashwatthama is still alive and he resides on the banks of the Ganges but where his residence is, it has not been told.

6. Sharabhavatar: Sharabhavatar is the sixth incarnation of Lord Shankar. Lord Shankar's form in Sharabhavatar was half of an antelope (deer) and the rest of Sharabha bird (an eight-legged animal described in Puranas which was more powerful than a lion). In this incarnation, Lord Shankar pacified the anger of Lord Narasimha.

7. Grihapati Avatar: Grihapati is the seventh incarnation of Lord Shankar. A sage named Vishwanar and his wife Shuchishmati wished to have a son like Shiva. Muni Vishwanar worshiped the Viresh Linga of Lord Shiva in Kashi and did severe penance. Pleased with his worship, Lord Shankar appeared in the form of a son from Shuchishmati's womb. It is said, Pitamah Brahma! He had named that child Grihapati.

8. Rishi Durvasa: Among the various incarnations of Lord Shankar, the incarnation of Rishi Durvasa is also prominent. According to religious texts, Maharishi Atri, the husband of Sati Anusuiya, performed severe penance on the Rikshakul mountain with his wife as per the instructions of Brahma, with the desire to have a son. Pleased with his penance, Moon was born from the part of Brahma, Dattatreya from the part of Vishnu, who popularized the best sannyas method and Munivar Durvasa was born from the part of Rudra.

9. Hanuman ji: Lord Shiva's Hanuman avatar is considered the best among all avatars. In this incarnation, Lord Shankar took the form of a monkey.

10. Vrishabh Avatar: Lord Shankar had taken Vrishabh Avatar in special circumstances. Lord Shankar killed the sons of Vishnu in this incarnation.

11. Yatinath Avatar: Lord Shankar had rendered the importance of guest by taking Yatinath avatar. In this incarnation, he took the test of the Bhil couple as a guest, due to which the Bhil couple had to lose their lives.

12. Krishna Darshan Avatar: In this incarnation, Lord Shiva has explained the importance of religious activities like Yagya etc. In this way, this incarnation is completely a symbol of religion.

13. Avdhoot Avatar: Lord Shankar had shattered the ego of Indra by taking the Avdhoot avatar.

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