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18- Parshuram Avatar: According to Hindu religious texts, Parshuram was one of the main incarnations of Lord Vishnu.

19- Maharishi Vedvyas: In Puranas, Maharishi Vedvyas is also considered as a part of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vyas was an incarnation of Narayan. He also composed the Mahabharata book.

20- Swan Avatar: Lord Vishnu appeared in the form of Mahahansa and he cleared the doubt of Sankadi sages. After this everyone worshiped Lord Hans.

21- Shriram Avatar: In Tretayug, there was a lot of terror of demon king Ravana. To kill him, Lord Vishnu was born in the form of a son from the womb of mother Kaushalya at King Dashrath's place. Lord Vishnu freed the deities from fear by taking the form of Rama.

22- Shri Krishna Avatar: In Dwaparyug, Lord Vishnu destroyed the unrighteous by taking the incarnation of Shri Krishna. Lord Krishna also killed Kansa. Became the charioteer of Arjuna in the war of Mahabharata and gave the knowledge of Gita to the world. Dharmaraj was established by making Yudhishthira the king. This incarnation of Lord Vishnu is considered the best of all incarnations.

23- Buddha Avatar: According to religious texts, Gautam Buddha, the originator of Buddhism, was also an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

24- Kalki Avatar: According to religious texts, Lord Vishnu will incarnate in the form of Kalki in Kalyug. Kalki Avatar will happen at the junction of Kaliyuga and Satyuga. This incarnation will consist of 64 arts. According to Puranas, Lord Kalki will be born as a son in the house of an ascetic Brahmin named Vishnuyasha at a place named Shambhal in Moradabad district of Uttar Pradesh. Kalki will destroy the sinners from the world by riding on a horse named Devadatta and re-establish religion.

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