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The story of the origin of demons has been given in almost all the Puranas and other texts of Sanatan Dharma. According to this legend, among the 13 wives of sage Kashyap, there are two famous wives named Diti and Aditi.

12 Adityas were born from Aditi's womb. These 12 Adityas are - Indra, Varuna, Mitra, Aryama, Vivaswan, Pusha, Tvashta, Bhaga, Savita, Dhata, Vidhata and Vamana. These are also called deities.

Daitya is the son of Diti Two demons named Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashyap were born in the womb of Diti, the second wife of sage Kashyap. Because of being the son of Diti, he was called Daitya.

The gods and the demons are half-brothers and have been at loggerheads continuously. Maharishi Kashyap had two wives.

But Diti always used to teach her sons/deitys to be ahead of the gods. Due to which the demons slowly started hating the gods and their intelligence started getting corrupted. The demons and the gods (who had one father, sage Kashyap, and different mothers) fought for ages, sometimes with the demons and sometimes with the gods. That is, the person who used to fight with others for his own selfishness etc., people slowly started saying that he is 'like a deity'.

Both gods and demons used to do penance, do charity and charity etc. Sometimes they used to get boon from Brahma ji and sometimes from Mahadev and then the same thing was to humiliate each other. constant fighting

What was the purpose of the demons?

According to mythology, Lord Brahma along with Adishakti and Lord Shiva created the universe. It is mentioned in the Vedas and Puranas that 3 types of living beings lived on earth on Bhu, Bhuva and Swa. In this, Bhu means living on the ground, Swa means living in the sky and Bhuva means the living beings who live between both the land and the sky. When Lord Brahma created the universe, he sent all the violent-non-violent creatures and humans to live on the earth.

Gods were sent to live in the sky and demons were sent to live between the sky and the earth to protect the creatures and gods of the earth. Because of his tendency to protect, he was called a demon. The word rakshasa has been used in a good sense 105 times in Rigveda. It is said that earlier the demons used to protect the creatures living on the earth and in the sky, but slowly these demons started becoming arrogant about their power and strength. Because of which they started troubling the deities and the living beings.

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