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"And that will be $24." The faux redhead gave a smile, her painted nails tapped against the keys of the register, her movements like second nature to her with taps so agile. Her newly dyed red hair cascaded down her face, the colour of cherries, her favourite fruit ironically.

The woman pulled out her purse her newly gelled nails glimmering in the artificial light coming from the LED above her head. Handing her the money happy with the given services both parties were distracted by the opening of the door signalled by the ringing of the bell and walked Bonnie Bennett, along with her friend, Elena Gilbert.

"Hey Cher," Bonnie exclaimed happy to see the faux red-haired woman.

"Hey honey, how are you?" Sheridan the woman behind the counter replied, scowling as the register refused to work, once again, telling one of her employees that she would begin to close up for the day and they could go home.

The girls walked over to the window seat and each plonked themselves down upon it gazing upon the woman's eyes shining with what could be interpreted as the 'Pre-Salvatore look.'It was a look that would only appear when none of them had been nagged by one of the many vampires raging havoc upon the town all because they could.

The witch went to open her mouth before being interrupted by the bell ringing again, accompanying the ring strolled in the younger of the Salvatore brothers, Stefan. Joining the duo and sitting beside Elena, the latter looking uncomfortable, the vampire quickly spoke up.

"When do you close the salon for the day?" Stefan questioned the red-haired woman his face unreadable. The girls beside him watched as the woman handed the money over, quickly leaving huffing out a quick "thank you, bye" in the process, obviously not wanting to be involved in whatever conversation was about to happen.

"In 5 minutes... why?" Sheridan hesitantly said, almost offended by the straightforwardness of his question along with no greeting from the male, although the girl didn't know what to expect ever since he turned off his humanity. She hoped that he had a good reason for this rudeness otherwise the day had just been ruined all because he thought he could.

Stefan quickly affirmed, "You need to come with me, we have somewhere to be." Sheridan remained clueless, looking at Stefan blankly.

"You're a bit rude today aren't you?" She raised a brow at him, trying to restrain a sneer from appearing on her face at the sight of her once previously close friend.

"What?" she questioned as he kept staring, although obeying, walking over to the drawers in the corner and pulling out the keys to the main door in the salon then turning the open sign on the door so it stated that the salon was now closed.

"I did already explain but you never text me back, and yet you're never off of that phone, if I could I'd feel quite offended." He quipped back, trying to taunt the woman as much as he could, if he could get her riled up for tonight he would be able to get away with his bad attitude also.

"I'm going to have to make a report to the sheriff, they're just letting the rif-raf linger around outside now," Sheridan sassed as she exited the shop, looking up at the dark-haired man in front of her

"Well, hello to you too," He spoke, engulfing her in a side hug as a greeting, after breaking into her shop to just taunt the residents of the town he seemingly just never left, both the town and her.

"Damon," she greeted back, she took his hand leading him to the familiar car, the man pushing her gently down into the passenger's seat


'Excessive,' That was a word that Sheridan liked to come to mind whenever people saw how she dressed, long from the days of living in fear she decided to also begin living her life through splurging unnecessarily and it was clear when it came to her outfits that this was clearly the case. For a simple dinner, she took the initiative to dress for a funeral, seeing as Stefan had developed the tendency to run his mouth, she assumed it would be his. Black gloves, black dress and even sunglasses, but she knew if she was going to walk into the Mikaelson mansion she was going to make an entrance because even if she was possibly going to end up dead by the end of the night, why wouldn't she do it looking her best?

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