𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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"Well don't you look lovely," Klaus told her as she walked over to him, Sheridan rolling her eyes in response.

"Well if I die while I'm with you which I probably have a 70% chance of, I may as well go out looking good," She replied, picking at her nails as he took her arm and began to walk with her.

He chuckled as he took her arm and began to walk with her, his tone one of amusement which he also found appealing.

"Oh please," he replied in a tone of jest, "You have better chances than that. Not to mention, you're with me here, so no one can bother us."

"You can bother me," She remarked, "But I knew if I didn't come with you today you'd bother me even more."

His smile widened as he heard her remark, and she was right, he would have become quite insistent and annoying had she not accepted this invitation.

"So that's the only reason you came with me? To stop me from bothering you if you didn't?" he asked, and his tone was one of amusement, teasing her.

"I'm not exactly your biggest supporter," Sheridan commented, "You have made some questionable decisions."

"Ah, you have made plenty of questionable decisions too," he replied with a smile, "and I have to admit that being a supporter of mine is not an easy feat either," he added playfully, knowing that she probably wouldn't agree but still enjoying this banter they were having.

With his hand moving to the small of her back, he leads her into a clearing, a canvas and two stools set up in the centre. Sheridan looked at the scene, then back to Klaus questioningly.

Sensing this he answered, "I figured such beauty should be documented and seeing as your birthday is coming up I figured this could be your present from me."

"I didn't know you could paint." She replied with a shrug.

"You do know I change my hair colour nearly every month, you'll probably not even remember who you painted," She commented, amused by his tactic of flattery.

"Well, I suppose every time you do I will receive the pleasure of painting you yet again," He commented, almost as if he was trying to diminish her distrust with flattery.

"I know you also paint Sheridan." He told her, she was surprised that he would even know was it was not a talent she often displayed, only those close really knew about her paintings. The woman had only taken it up as a brief hobby, finding it as a release to be able to sit in her own garden and paint her well-cared-for shrubbery and plants.

"I dabble, I just really paint what I plant in my garden." She told him, almost as if she was embarrassed. Of course, with the man's age, he would have had hundreds of years of experience that would easily put her to shame.

"Today shall be a learning curve for the both of us then." He replied genuinely wanted to spend time with the woman as she had slowly moved up in the list of people in this town he could relatively sound and her looks certainly helped. Grabbing her arm gently he leads her over to the stool, handing her a glass of champagne.

"Relax for now." He demanded her, to which she shrugged and moved the champagne bottle closer to where she sat, maybe if she was a bit tipsy it'd loosen her nerves.

As Sheridan sat down, he was surprised that this little tactic actually worked. The smile on her face was something he saw very rarely but it was endearing nevertheless and he was glad it was there for at least a moment.

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