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One evening spent chatting away with Dorian in his study soon turned to many more. At first, this happened unwillingly, as per the unavoidable demand of Dorian, but then, I began to come to his study without his request.

Though, sometimes I do wonder why I decide to even bother with that brute of a vampire, especially now. I'm currently bored out of my mind, lounging in a lavish chair, one that Dorian brought into his study recently. He had claimed that it was not for me, but I would've been a fool not to notice the slight rise of his lips when I sat down in the chair for the first time. I laugh to myself at the memory, which makes Dorian's eyes break from the paper on his desk to look at me.

"May I ask what it is that you're laughing at?" He questions me, the slight crease between his white brows only grows as I continue to laugh.

"I'm laughing at you," I answered honestly, earning a disappointed shake of his head.

His eyes crinkle slightly as a smile creeps across his face. The sight of such a genuine smile on his normally scowling lips makes me stare in awe at him. I almost don't want to blink in fear that he might just revert back to his normal expression of disdain.

But, the thing is, I shouldn't like his smile, nor should I feel this strangely just because he has mustered up something other than a scowl. I mean, it practically feels as if my heart might just come tearing out of my chest with the way it's beating. It's almost as if...No, no, no! Abruptly, I shoot out of my chair and set my sights on the door.

If I spend one more second with this man, I'm sure my mind and heart will only get more confused. That is the last thing I'm in need of, especially when I'm supposed to hate him enough to drive a dagger through his heart. I slowly make my way over to the door, silently hoping that Dorian wouldn't stop me.

This hope of mine is crushed to bits when I feel a looming presence behind me. "Don't tell me you're already planning on leaving. The sun has not even set yet," He speaks softly, not a single bit of anger or threat in his voice.

His voice is almost caring, almost like he...No, no, no, and no again! I clench my jaw and place my hand on the doorknob. A simple move like that brings the steady breathing behind me to a still. It catches and it's not released until I feel a long breath of air expel onto the tip of my right ear.

Everything inside of me sets ablaze as I squeeze my eyes shut, steeling my resolve as I turn the handle of the door. The sound of the knob turning seems to echo through the room loudly. Though, it soon stops when a warm hand falls over mine, ceasing my desperate attempt at escaping.

"There's no need for you to go so early. Unless you have deemed some other trivial matter to be more important?" He suggests, but little does he know, I'm trying to leave because of him and his damn smile. "Then, go on. Tell me what you're leaving me to do. I'll decide if it's worth your time."

If I didn't know any better, I'd think that he actually wants me to stay, as if he enjoys my company. Of course, this does nothing to help my quick-beating heart.

"I'm..." I grasp for a string of words that would create a plausible excuse to convince the man behind me to back off.

"You're...?" His low voice pushes me to answer as his warm breath flows into my ear, making me inhale sharply.

"I'm just going to get my journal!" I quickly shout out an excuse that instantly makes me cringe internally.

What twenty-two-year-old woman willingly admits that she journals?! I know for a fact that I'm either going to be laughed at or teased one way or another. Instead, all I hear from behind me is a hum of what seems to be agreement.

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