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After I give my final answer, Sybil lifts her hand and abruptly snaps it to the right. A jar full of God knows what flies off the shelf at the speed of light. It comes hurtling toward me, and I quickly realize it's not stopping as I duck, squeezing my eyes shut.

When I open my eyes again, I see the jar floating before me, twisting and turning in the open air as it waits for me to take it. I look toward Sybil, then to a pouting Nimue who's trying to get Sybil to stop ignoring her.

"Time's wasting, dear one." Sybil glances at the jar before waving me on with her hand, "Go on, drink the fanged blood. It will ensure a swift, painless transformation for you."

Slowly, I start to twist off the lid of the jar. One turn less until I'm no longer human. Two turns less, three turns...and then, no more. The lid slips from my hand, clattering to the floor until it comes to a quiet rest. I let the silence sink into me as I take my last breaths as a human.

Will the air feel different when I'm a vampire? Will I become different...physically and mentally? Will things smell different? Ah, who am I kidding? Everything will be different, and that's fine by me because I know the one thing that won't change is Dorian.

"Bottom's up," I whisper, then tilt the jar to my lips, quickly chugging down the slippery liquid.

It coats the entirety of my mouth and tongue with a flaming heat. That heat crawls down my throat and into my stomach where it seems to engage in a battle with my insides. I'll say one thing confidently: this is in no way shape or form painless! It feels as though my stomach is being ripped from the inside out. I wouldn't be surprised if it just happened to burst open, spilling ruined guts and all onto the floor. Though, in all honesty, I really hope that it doesn't.

I suck in a sharp breath of air, panting as I grapple for a sense of relief. My hands clutch at the end of the table, and I hunch over with a loud scream parting my lips. Between the sound of my breathless gasps and screams comes the cracking of wood. Only when I feel splinters biting at my palms, do I realize that I am breaking the table. Despite this, I make no move to stop, as the pain is only worsening.

The pain is now focused in my mouth, specifically on my canines. There is something growing. Something sharp. Something foreign. Whatever it is, it hurts like a bitch. It pushes my two old canines down, ripping the roots straight from my gums. A shriek of horror leaves me when my bloodied teeth fall to the ground. I can't even say anything when Nimue hurriedly gathers my fallen teeth, presenting proudly them to Sybil. All I can seem to do is scream, and scream, and scream. Until finally, it stops.

I swallow hard, wiping the cold sweat from my forehead while licking my cracked lips. When my tongue goes back into my mouth, two sharp points drag across it. I come to realize that these are fangs. It feels weird to have such deadly weapons in my mouth that can easily suck any being dry of their blood, but it also feels strangely powerful. Hell, I feel like I can take on anyone, even the elves if they dare to try to go against Dorian again.

This invigorating, almost addicting feeling comes to an end after I catch a glimpse of my reflection in a warped mirror. I jump off the table, much faster than I should have been able to, and appear before the mirror in only a few steps. Fangs, speed...I think through all the traits of a vampire that I have acquired before I add one eyes.

Staring back at me are those eerie red eyes that glow in the dimly lit room. They pierce through me and into my heart, stilling its slow beating for a moment as my reality falls upon me. Although I am powerful, I am still a human, a scared human who has given up everything she has known for one man. It is pathetic, maybe even pitiful, but it is not something I want to waste my time dwelling on. This creature staring back at me in the me, and I need to accept that.

A soft touch falls upon my left shoulder and a rough one that jolts me forward falls on my right. I turn my back on the mirror to see Nimue and Sybil standing before me. A ghost of a goodbye already hangs in their eyes.

    "We will grant you one last request. Free of charge," Sybil offers with a tight smile.

    "We're already well aware of what you will ask of us, but ask it anyway. Speak it into life," Nimue commands me.

    "Bring me back to Dorian," I say as confidently as I can, though there is a waver within my voice.

    "As you wish, my Queen," Sybil and Nimue answer in unison before clapping their hands two times.

    I'm just about to give them my thanks when a sudden storm of crows blinds me. Their all-too-familiar cawing muffles my shouts of confusion, and their feathers tickle at my skin as I thrash around in a frantic state of panic. The awful flock of crows continue to surround me until my former view of a sea of black is exchanged for a fast-approaching garden.

My arms cross in front of my face in a vain attempt to shield myself as I slam into the ground. I half expect to be winded with multiple injuries, instead, I only get a sharp bite of pain that subsides like a quick pinch. Healing, another vampiric ability is added to the list.

When I finally stand up from the indent I made into the ground, I take in my surroundings. There's a bunch of flowers all around me, a large fountain to my left, and a manor before me. It's a large manor, fit for a King. And Queen, a smile reaches my face as I break out into a wobbly sprint toward the nearest door. I get to the door much faster than anticipated, resulting in me slamming head-on into the unforgiving wood. A groan erupts from me as I crumble to the ground.

    I gingerly rest my hand on my forehead, shutting my eyes momentarily. "Ah, this is going to take some time to get used to."

    I freeze when I feel a strange gust of wind brush against my face, followed by a shadow darkening the lids of my eyes. Swallowing hard, I open my eyes. The sight of a brown-haired guard greets me. I sigh, thoroughly disappointed that Callon is the first vampire I get to see.

    "Take me to Dorian, please."

    His eyebrows shoot up and a snarky laugh punches me right in the gut. "A servant requesting an audience with the King is a horrible joke. And what is it you are wearing? Did you steal it, you fanged thief?"

    This accusation is paired with the unsheathing of his sword. The tip of his sword presses between my furrowed eyebrows, but I don't feel any fear, more like confusion.

    "It's me," I say slowly as if this vague declaration might just jog his memory.

    "Who is this 'me'?"

    "Do you not remember me, Callon?" I ask with a quiet, almost scared voice.

    "Callon?" He speaks the name harshly, but his face quickly softens, eyes glistening and breath hitching. "I am not Callon." The sword is returned to his hip, and the sadness in his gaze is replaced with what seems to be lost anger. "Just the brother that goes by Evander."

    Now that I'm no longer at risk of being beheaded, I stand to level myself with Evander. Still, the large man has quite a few inches on me.

    "Where's Callon then? I'm sure he'll take me right to Dorian when he sees me," I confidently state.

    He flinches, taking a step back as if I had swung at him. An unsteady breath is taken in as his gaze flickers up to the sky before it falls down on me again.

    "I can take you to Callon but he will not be able to see you," He tells me quietly.

    "Why not?" I implore, even more confused than ever before.

    "Why?" His laughter sounds through the air again, except this time, it's not full of scorn but sadness. "It's simple, a dead man cannot see."



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