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I hurriedly rake through my brain for any way to mend the mistake I had just made. The only one that's likely to be successful is an apology, though I'm not sure if he'll accept it, especially with the way he has drawn into himself.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." I grapple for another string of words as I notice him slowly beginning to retreat, "I should have realized that you had a partner."

"A partner?" He echoes, confusion now covering his face as he freezes in place.

"Well, yes, isn't that why you were offended?"

He shakes his head, no longer looking at me but at the bright window above us. Curiosity rises in me as I continue to stare at him. There's a bit of a subtle redness hinting across his cheeks that had not been there before.

I smirk, a new assumption forming in my head, one that I'm almost certain is right. My hand lightly hits his hard chest to get his attention. His eyes slowly slide down to me before quickly flitting away.

"Callon, be honest with me," I say as I continue to hit his chest, which feels closer to hitting a brick wall over and over, "Is there someone who you like? Hm? Hm? Hm?"

His hand grabs mine, stopping my relentless assault as his glaring gaze cuts through me. Although I should be quite fearful at the sight of his anger-filled eyes, I'm nothing but happy.

Now I know for sure that the indifferent, seemingly emotionless Callon has a little crush, and I'm determined to figure out who it is. My diabolical plan to unveil the identity of this person is foiled before it even begins when Callon starts briskly walking to the doors. I chase after him, not wanting him to leave until my curiosity has been settled.

"Callon, Callon! Wait, wait, don't leave! Come on," I yell to him, then snag onto the back of his cloak, forcing him to a stop. His back remains facing me as I continue, "Who is it? You can tell me. I'm wonderful at keeping secrets to myself! Oh, but, of course, if you're too embarrassed to tell me, then I guess you can keep it to yourself. I'll find out when you bring them to the wedding anyway."

"I won't be taking them to the wedding," He firmly states with a waver in his voice that immediately pulls my smile into a frown.

"And why not? Are you too afraid to ask them to–...?"

My sentence is interrupted as Callon abruptly faces toward me, eyes wild with what can no longer just be considered anger. It's more like rage, a burning rage that's already beginning to burn through my skin. I swallow as I prepare myself for the consequences of pushing Callon too far.

"Your curiosity has no bounds, Miss," He snaps as he turns his head to the side. "But, if you are so desperate to know about this insignificant matter, then I'll entertain you." His head turns back to me to allow me to see that the rage in his expression has been overwhelmed by pure agony. "I cannot bring the one I desire to the wedding because they are already attending with..." A pause comes in between his sentences and his eyes move away from mine again, "...another."

"You can still ask them to dance though!" I offer a positive light to the situation, all in an attempt to rekindle the tatters of the atmosphere we had created before I royally fucked everything up.

My F*cked Up FairytaleWhere stories live. Discover now