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My stubbornness is met with two looks of confusion and one voice that weaves a careful explanation for me.

"Your job here is done, Cyra. You have no reason to continue a life in a place where your heart is not meant to beat," Sybil coldly tells me, her words slicing deep into my skin. "Notice how your heart is not crashing against your chest any longer? That is because you do not belong here."

"Before Dorian's rise to the throne, we were able to forcibly bring you into this world, but we only did such a cursed thing because it was at the former prince's request," She explains to me slowly, and I lean forward, hanging on every word, "He had asked us to find a woman that would bring him long-lasting prosperity and success in his reign. For, he feared the curse of death that followed the lineage of Kings before him. Not once did King Dorian detail the desire for his happiness within his request. All he wished for was his own life as King, never for the life of his Queen. That selfish mistake was one that ultimately ended in the consequence of losing you, my dearest."

"However, things were much different the first time we called you to this world," Nimue speaks up, now fully facing me with a solemn expression that stretches across her tanned, wrinkly face, "You had originally failed your task of saving Dorian due to our lack of foreseeing the beast within the Biast. Our foolishness resulted in the death of Dorian, and, in turn, Biast took you as his wife instead. Day in and day out, we heard your wails and screams from within the manor. It came to the point where we could no longer hide ourselves in shame for our terrible mistakes. We came to you and offered you a second chance, one where Dorian and you both would live. You must have sensed your end was near because you readily agreed."

"All we had asked of you was to leave yourself guidance. We took the messages of guidance and sent them back in time, along with ourselves and the dagger that had already lodged itself within Biast's heart."

Finally, my mouth opens as frustration eats away at my heart, "That damn guidance that was left for me was just a shitty riddle! I...I had thought for the longest time that the beast was Dorian! If you both knew that Biast was going after Dorian, why didn't you just tell me?!"

"Changing fate is a delicate matter that needs to be approached carefully. If we had allowed such a fate-altering piece of information to be given to you, we would have had to pay with our lives," Nimue gives me their reasoning that does not snuff out the anger within me.

"Then you should have paid with your lives, especially since Dorian and I already had!" I yell at them. "This is complete bullshit! I didn't die just so I could be separated from Dorian once again! I died because I wanted Dorian and I to live on, together!"

"No, no, Cyra," Sybil chastises me with the tone of a parent who's trying to calm down their child who's having a tantrum, "You only asked for your life and Dorian's. Never did you specify that you wanted to live on together."

"Well, now I'm telling you I want to live with him! I want to live with him, damn it!" I shout at the top of my lungs as my words rattle off the walls, seemingly knocking around the witches as they stumble forward and backward, "I don't care what it costs, just let me come back to him! Let me be with the one I love!" I move toward them until their eyes have nothing to look at but me. "He needs me! I...need him! Fuck, for Christ's sake! We weren't both given a second chance at life just to spend it without the other! You might as well have let us both die if that was what you witches had in mind!"

My F*cked Up FairytaleUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum