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For the remainder of what is left of the evening, I lay in my bed, shamelessly switching between crying out of pity for myself and relentlessly stabbing the Dorian Pillow. Right now, I have gone back to crying under the safety of my sheets like a child.

Sniffing, I remove my head from beneath my sheets to allow myself a breath of fresh air, then I roll over to stare at the windows taking in the warm colors of the sunset. As I look over the various shades spilling into my room, I come to a realization, a very philosophical one of sorts. I grab an ink pen resting on top of my nightstand and set to work scrawling my thoughts onto the empty pages of my journal.

The sun rises and sets every day, but it's up to the individual to take notice of its beauty. If you ignore the sun during the early morning and late day, it's fairly easy to just think of it as insignificant. But, give the sun a fragment of your attention, and you'll be encaptivated. You begin to look for it day in and day out, helplessly entangled in its natural beauty. Though, when the time comes that the sky is shrouded with clouds, you feel a sense of aching, only to find that there are others too that are gazing longingly at the sky, searching for the sun. Until that moment, you had thought the sun was only for you. It broke through the sky for you, and it dipped beneath the horizon for you. And now, you realize it was not just for you, but for everyone else. For, you were not the only one who admired the sun's beauty.

A long sigh escapes me as I drop the pen into the middle of the journal, abruptly closing it shut and throwing it off to the side. What a fool I was to allow myself to get too close to my own sun. Now, I'm thoroughly burnt with no hopes of salvation. I reach my hand over and snag my tear-stained pillow, pressing it firmly to my face.

    "ARGHHHHHHHHH!" I let out a muffled scream into my pillow.

A strange shred of satisfaction is found in doing this. Although this isn't exactly the most normal way to go about settling my raging emotions, I decide to keep on yelling into my pillow.

Just when I'm about to get my seventh yell out, an awkward cough sounds through the air. I freeze, too afraid to remove the pillow from my face to see what poor vampire had to witness me acting so pathetically. If it's Dorian, I'll undoubtedly kill him right here and now. My hand reaches for the dagger as I finally push the pillow off my face, only to see Selene standing by my bedside. She looks extremely concerned for me. I vainly try to smile in an attempt to act like I haven't been screaming bloody murder into my pillow for the past few minutes.

    "I apologize for interrupting you during your..."

    "Voice exercises!" I cringe at the sound of my hoarse voice cracking with every word.

    "Right, voice exercises," She accepts my flimsy cover-up before slowly reaching toward my hand. Her soft hand encases mine, pulling me off the bed I had basically glued myself to. "You can continue doing those to your heart's content after you attend dinner."

    Confusion riddles my face as my brows scrunch together. "Isn't my dinner being brought to my room?"

    She simply shakes her head. Her bottom lip disappears beneath her teeth before she finally explains, "Your presence at the dining hall was demanded by Master Dorian. No matter your emotions towards this, you must go or else–..."

"Or else he'll throw me into a dungeon and lock me away?" I offer a consequence I think that vampire might have told Selene. "Go ahead, let him!"

Once more, she shakes her head, now the grip on my hand is strong and almost painful. "It would be unsightly for Master Dorian to punish his future wife, but for mere servants, it's a common practice."

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