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If the word pathetic had to take the form of a person, I would be the perfect candidate for it. All I've done for the past several days is mope around my room. My moping consists mainly of two things. One, which I'm currently doing now, is rereading the few romance novels that Selene kindly snuck out of Dorian's study for me. And the second activity is stabbing the 'Dorian Pillow' with my dagger. The poor pillow is almost all flattened out due to the extensive amount of abuse it has gone through. Fortunately for the Dorian Pillow, it is safe for the time being, as the romance novel I'm reading hasn't angered me just yet. In fact, all it has done is make me quite sad.

A few tears find their way to the page below as I read through a far too descriptive scene of the male main character lovingly kissing his female love interest. Those two had a happy and, might I add, healthy relationship, so why am I stuck with a heart-ripping vampiric bastard? I'll tell you why. The universe hates me! It's plain and simple. If the universe had any bit of love for me, then it would've sent me into a world similar to the story I'm reading. Instead, it threw me into this fucked up fantasy land that seems to only have pork and vegetables available. I glance disdainfully at the cold platter of roasted pig and greens that sat on my nightstand. This is the fifth time been served the same bland meal. It sickens me to the core if I even look at it for a second, let alone try to force myself to eat it.

I grudgingly stand up and walk over to the untouched platter. For a moment there, the cold pork almost seems to take the appearance of steaming hot pizza, but when I blink, the savory illusion disappears. The fading memory of the glorious food that is pizza makes me remember my cat, Toebean. That little ass of a furball would always try to steal the pepperoni off my pizza slice whenever he thought I wasn't looking. Sometimes, I'd even allow him to take a couple, just to be nice.

"Toebean, I miss you," I whisper to myself as I push open the window, dumping out the contents of my lunch onto the ground below. "The least this shitty universe can do is give me my cat! Then I'll kill off any and all beasts it wants me to!"

I drop the empty platter onto the floor in my room before hanging my arms outside my window. The warmth of the windowpane soaks into my cold skin. I close my eyes as a small smile forms on my face. It has been far too long since I went outside. I only have been confining myself in my room because I don't want to risk running into Dorian. That jerk is the sole reason why I'm only able to blubber like a child during all the sappy romantic scenes in my book. I definitely don't want to start blubbering at the sight of him too.

A long sigh expels from my mouth, flowing onto my arms below. Another sigh comes from me, then a meow. Wait, what? I snap open my eyes to see a black ball of fur on the ground. It's happily munching away at the food I recently threw outside. Between the tearing of pork and munching comes multiple satisfied meows. My breathing quiets as I patiently wait for the cat (at least that's what I believe it is...for all I know, it could be some sort of man-eating monster) to finish its meal. Once it finishes, I will snatch it up. After all, I'd be a complete fool not to accept this gift from the good old Cat Distribution System.

I must've been staring a bit too hard and grinning a bit too wide because the cat suddenly bolts away. Desperately, I launch myself out of the window, grabbing the cat with my hands. The cat squirms in my arms, frantic to make a quick escape. It's constant moving only makes it harder for me to crawl back into my room, but after a long time of struggling, I succeed. Now that there's no longer a chance for the cat to go running off into the woods, never to be seen again, I bring it away from my chest to examine it.

Everything about it is normal. Well, that is if you ignore the cat's awfully strange set of eyes. While one eye has the standard thin-slit pupil that lies in a sea of green, the other has a circular pupil that lies in the same color as the other, except the iris is surrounded by white. It's almost like a...I shudder, unable to finish the thought. As long as I don't look into that human-like eye, I'll be able to get over the urge to toss the cat back outside.

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