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To-Do List...that I don't want to do:

- Become practically a professional at ballroom dancing  ✔️

- Memorizing my vows ✔️

- Get at least some table manners so you're not eating like a barbarian at the feast ✔️

- Perfect my grand entrance for the wedding

Notice how there's not a check on the last task? Yeah, I did too. And I was perfectly fine with leaving it that way, but, of course, Selene was not. That is what led me to be locked in a never-ending practice session of my walk down the aisle. It should have been easy for me. I mean, it's literally just walking in a straight line. Unfortunately, even I managed to mess up such a simple thing....over twenty times. Honestly, I've stopped counting at this point, mostly because I might just cry if I knew the exact amount of times I've stepped into this hall and walked down the aisle.

Although it may be excessive, everything is riding on my entrance. It will be the time when I finally step into the role of the Queen of Bestias and Dorian's bride.

As Selene has told me over and over, I must make myself exert power and dominance so that no one will doubt my spot beside Dorian. The moment anyone begins to think I'm not worthy, the wedding will fall to shambles and so will Dorian's honor.

With the way things are going, it seems Dorian's honor will be thoroughly shitted on, all because  I always seem to lose the ability to walk whenever I enter the hall. One way or another, my feet find a way to snag onto something. Whether it be just pure air or a tiny divet in the gold-carpeted walkway, I'll find a way to fall like a complete idiot.

Now, I have somehow managed to trip over my own feet. An annoyed groan leaves me as I fall, bracing myself for the impact against my already bruised arms and legs. I do not immediately stand, rather I just lay there, wishing that the fall could've knocked me unconscious so I could escape this hell.

"Rise to your feet, Miss, and return to the doors!" Selene shouts at me, finally forcing me to stand up.

I look at her, silently pleading for a break, even if it is just for a few minutes. She shakes her head, then places her hands back on the harp before her. The vampire's harp version of "Here Comes The Bride" echoes through the lavish hall once more. If not for the fact that I have been listening to that tune on repeat, I would have appreciated it for its beautiful elegance.

Well, I did appreciate it, but now all it does is make me want to stick plugs in my ears. I reluctantly trace over my steps and disappear behind the large doors. Once the doors close shut, the sound of the harp mellows out. I sigh, basking in the momentary relief I'm given.

I swear, I'll get it this time, I promise as I place my hands on the handles. Although I want to just run away, I force myself to push the doors open.

As always, my eyes are overwhelmed by the all-too-bright hall. I walk blindly down the pathway with slow and careful steps to ensure I stay upright. When I finally adjust to the light, I glance at Selene to see she's immersed herself in the harp again. Her eyes are closed and a small smile takes over her lips as she leans back in her seat, allowing the music to pull her to its rhythm. At least she's enjoying herself, I hold back a sigh. However, that sigh soon is replaced by a gasp of shock at the sight of a man standing beneath the flower-crested archway over the altar.

His body and face are hidden beneath an earth-green cloak, but I know full well who lay beneath that fabric. My Dori. A kiss from him will definitely make all this torture worth it.

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