Chapter Two

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"Did you decide what you were going to wear tonight?" Emmy asked as she got into the car. Bryson usually gave Emmy a ride to school, but I guess lately his head had been shoved so far up his girlfriends ass that he didn't care if she made it to school or not.

"Yeah, I have an idea," I said as I pulled out of her driveway. She smiled at me as I focused on the road. "So Bryson ditched you, again?" I asked, not taking my eyes off the road.

"Yeah. I don't know what he sees in Tamara, but I'm so over it. She's just using him anyway." I shook my head in disgust as I pulled into the school parkinglot.

"He's probably using her too." Emmy laughed and nodded in agreement. It was true. He was captain of the football team, and she was captain of the cheerleading team. They would do anything to keep their image.

"One of them will get hurt, and I'm just going to laugh in his face. They hardly use to hang out. They would just put on a show while they were at school. I don't know what change, but I don't like it." I chuckled and shut off the car.

"Is it bad that it's only the first week of school, and I already don't want to go to calculus?" Emmy laughed as we grabbed our stuff and headed towards the school.

"Is he really that bad?" I nodded and walked.

"I swear he's out to make my life a living hell." Emmy stopped in her tracks with a smirk on her face. I stopped and turned to her, confused as to what was happening. "What?" I asked, clueless.

"You know what they say about boys who are mean to girls?" I shook my head at how childish she was being.

"Don't even go there," I chuckled and started walking again.

"I'm just saying. It all makes sense."

"You're being ridiculous. I'll catch you at lunch." I headed off towards calculus and Emmy waved goodbye. I gave a quick wave back and went into the classroom, taking the seat I had claimed as mine.


"Alright class, let's work on some problems from the work sheet," Ms. Miller said as she sat down at her desk. "Do problems one through ten, and then I will split you into groups to go over it." I pulled the packet out of my notebook and opened my book to the page that explained it. I started writing out the problem the way the book showed me. A paper football came flying at me. It bounced off my face and landed on my papers in front of me.

"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself. I looked around the room. Bryson had a smirk on his face, and I shook my head. I slowly opened the paper football.

You going to the party tonight?

I looked back at Bryson who now had a genuine smile on his face. You didn't see that very often. I nodded at him, going back to my worksheet. I couldn't help but glance over at Bryson here and there. He was perfect in every way possible. Amazing hair, beautiful blue eyes, a perfect smile, flawless skin, and an amazing body. It was rare, but he could be a total sweetheart. That still didn't outweigh how much of an asshole he was 90% of the time. I shook my head, trying to clear those thoughts away.

"Alright class, I'm hoping most of you have completed the ten problems. I will now pair you up so you can compare your answers." I zoned out as Ms. Miller assigned groups until she said my name. "Riley and Bryson, please compare answers." Oh great. I could never get away from him. I looked over at Bryson who, once again, had a smirk on his face. He scooted his chair close to my desk.

"Well hello there, partner."

"I'm never going to make it through the semester." I covered my mouth when I realized I said that out loud. Bryson was doubled over in laughter, practically falling out of his chair. At least I knew I was funny. I shoved my paper in his direction.

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