Chapter Thirty-six

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Summer's end was was nearing, and everyone was getting ready for school. I have just finished packing the last of my stuff to make the long drive to North Carolina tomorrow morning.

"Riley, dear, Emmy's here." Emmy decided to go to Paris for school, meaning I wouldn't be able to see her until Christmas break. It was going to be hard. Being in a place where I didn't know anybody. Well, scratch that. I was going to know someone. Matt had transferred schools so he could live with me in North Carolina. Working all summer really paid off. Between the two of us, we had enough to afford an apartment for a couple months, and we were both planning on getting jobs while we're there.

"Coming," I yelled back, shutting the last container and carrying it down the stairs. Emmy was standing by the door with a smile on her face.

"Tomorrow's the big day, huh?" I nodded, setting the box down by the door.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready to get on a plane?" I asked.

"I wanted to stop by and say goodbye." I looked at her and almost burst into tears. "I'm going to miss you so much," she said as she wrapped her arms around me, already crying.

"I'm going to miss you too," I said as the tears began to stream down my face.

"We'll Skype everyday, and it'll be Christmas before you know it," she says, smiling at me.

"Everyday," I say, smiling back. She gave me another hug before saying goodbye to Angela and heading out of the house. I grabbed my last box and headed out the door behind Emmy. She gave a quick wave as she headed down the road. I threw the last box into the truck of my car.

"All packed?" Angela asked as she walked over to me.

"I think so. I hope there is enough room for Matts stuff in here," I said, causing Angela to chuckle. We turned and headed for the door when a car pulled into the driveway. I quickly recognized the car. "I'll be in shortly," I said to Angela, who was going to prepare my last dinner at home for a while. She nodded and headed inside.

"Tomorrow's the day," Ryker said as he walked over to me.

"It is," I said, giving him a hug. Ryker and I had become really close in the short months of summer. He was my go to guy anytime I had problems, besides Emmy that is.

"You're going to keep in touch, right?" He asked, looking me in the eyes. I could feel the blush working its way to my face, and I quickly looked away.

"Of course." He smiled.

"Everyone I know is leaving," he said with a pout.

"We're all a phone call away. Plus, I'm not that far away. You can always visit." He chuckled.

"True. I just wanted to say goodbye before you headed off."

"That's nice," I said with a smile. He moved a little closer, pulling me in for another hug.

"You know, there's one thing I want to do before you leave," he said, no longer making eye contact.

"What's that?" I asked, completely clueless.

"This," he said, before leaning in close and pressing his soft lips against mine. I gasped, taking a step back.

"Ryker..." But he threw his hand up before I could finish.

"I know you have a boyfriend, but I guess that was just my way of showing you how much I've enjoyed the last few months. You don't have to say anything, Riley." I looked at him, surprise written all over my face. "I'm going to go now. Have a safe trip, okay? And don't forget to let me know that you made it safe." Before I could say  anything, Ryker was in his car and driving down the road. I touched my lips were his soft lips were, and it almost felt like butterflies in my stomach when I thought about it. I shook my head, getting rid of those thoughts. Matt would be here any minute to load his stuff in my car and have dinner. I looked down the road that Ryker drove down one last time before heading into the house.


"Riley, will you grab the garlic bread out of the oven?" Angela asked as she set up the table. I walked into the kitchen, grabbing the oven mits and pulled the garlic bread out, setting it on top to let them cool down.

"They're on the stove," I yelled back, grabbing myself a glass of water before heading into the dinning room. Matt and Angela had been cooking dinner because it was my last dinner at home for a while. Even though Matt was going with me, he felt the need to help Angela make the day all about me. I plopped down in my seat at the table, waiting for Angela to serve lasagne. She brought the last of the food in, setting it on the table. I could feel my stomach growl at all the food. Finally, Angela say down and I grabbed the pan, trying to get he biggest piece.

"Hold on, darling. I want to say something before we dig in." I pouted and she laughed. "Over the years I have watched you grow into a beautiful young woman." I rolled my eyes, knowing where this was going. "I know we didn't always see eye to eye, but I'm so glad we have the relationship that we do now. I couldn't be more proud of you, Riley, and the person you've become. I hope you have a great time at college, and I know you have an amazing guy looking out for you." She lifted her glass of wine into the air as well as Matt. I looked down at my glass of water and shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh what the hell," I said, causing them to laugh.

"Here's to you, Riley, and the bright future you have ahead of you." We all clinked our classes together, and the minute my water glass hit the table, I was digging in to the delicious food.


The morning came quick, but that was okay. I was ready to begin the next chapter of my life. I quickly got dressed and dragged Matt out of bed.

"We're going to be running late if you don't get your ass in gear," I said as he groaned at me in annoyance. Once Matt was dressed and ready to go, we made our way downstairs to have breakfast with Angela. I could tell she was upset, but I knew she was happy for me. Once we finished cleaning up from breakfast, Matt and I packed up the last of the things we couldn't pack because we needed them, and we put them in the car.

"Well, this is it," Angela said as we all walked outside.

"This is it," I said back. I could see the tears forming in her eyes, and I knew I wouldn't be too far behind her. She wrapped me in a tight hug as she cried on my shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you so much. You better call me everyday," she said, causing me to laugh.

"I will, I promise."

"And you better call me as soon as you get there," I nodded as Matt gave Angela a hug.

"See you later, Angela. We'll be in touch soon," Matt said as he made his way over to me.

"I love you guys, and have a safe trip," she yelled as we got into the car. We gave her a quick wave.

"Here we go," Matt said, looking at me.

"Here we go," I repeated. He gave me a quick kiss before starting the car and heading down the road. "Here's to the next chapter in our lives," I said as I rolled the window down.

The end

What did you guys think of the story? I appreciate any type of feedback you guys have!

I'm still debating on whether or not I'm going to do a sequel. Do you guys want a sequel? Don't forget to comment and rate! <3

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