Chapter Twenty-nine

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"I know that," he sighed. "I had time to kill before I left, and my roommate told me about a party, so I decided to go, but things got out of hand..." I could see his face change into one of concentration as he recalled the night before.

Previous night

"Yo, Bryson!" Adam, my roommate, called to me as I finished packing my bag.

"What's up?" I asked. He plopped down on my bed, looking from me to my bag and back again.

"Where are you going?" I sat down next to him, pushing my bag out of the way.

"I'm heading to my house for the weekend." He nodded in response. "What are your plans for the weekend?"

"The usual. Partying and getting laid," he stated. I chuckled.

"Classic Adam thing right there." He smirked, standing up from my bed.

"What time are you leaving?"

"I was planning on leaving at one or two, why?"

"Oh, there's just a party happening as we speak. That's all." I chuckled. He really wanted me to go. "Wanna check it out for a few?" I shrugged.

"Why not? I have time to kill."


It was weird that there was a party happening this early. Everyone had classes, so they would usually schedule the party for after school. Adam and I made our way to the frat house down the hill from the dorms. You could hear the music bumping from down the street. How did we never get in trouble for parties? When we arrived to the house, the party didn't seem spectacular. Since it was day time, there were no crazy lights flashing, and most of the people were hiding inside, probably so they didn't get caught. You could see people going in and out of the house, mainly heading for the backyard.

"What, is this some kind of pool party?" I asked. Adam shrugged, walking into the house. I followed closely behind him. The inside was like every other party I had ever been to. The music was blasting, people were holding red solo cups high above their head as they grinded with someone they probably didn't know.

"I'm going to get a drink. You want one?"

"I'll have a soda. I have to drive, remember?" He nodded and made his way to the kitchen. I stood awkwardly to the side of the room, trying not to get randomly touched by drunken girls.

"Bryson," a familiar voice says. I look to see Tamara walking my way.

"What do you want?" I spit. I was not in the mood to deal with her.

"Adam told me to bring you this," she says, passing me a drink. "He got caught up with a girl." I nodded. Classic Adam. I took a sip of my soda, noticing the weird after taste it left in my mouth.

"Christ, Tamara, what kind of soda did he get?" I looked down at the brown liquid.

"Coke, I think?" I stuffed my hand in my pocket, pulling out my phone to check the time. I still had a half hour before I had to leave the school. I wanted to make sure I was home before Riley got out of school. "So how are things going?" Tamara asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Fine," I answered.

"Oh, come on. You can't even have a civil conversation with me?" I shot her a glare.

"Actually, Tamara, having a conversation with you is the last thing I want to do. Last time I checked, you tried to make my life a living hell." She rolled her eyes and stormed off. I stood there for a few more minutes before deciding to find Adam. I checked all around the house, and by the time I made it back downstairs, I had started to feel funny. My head was pounding, and my vision was beginning to get blurry. I walked down the stairs to the basement, holding onto the wall as I went down, trying not to fall. I took a quick glance around the room, spotting Adam in the far corner. Before I could make it over to him, someone grabbed my hand.

"You don't look so good," the unfamiliar voice said to me. I shrugged. I couldn't bring myself to say anything. "Let's find you a place to sit down." She grabbed my hand and dragged me over to a couch that was against the basement wall. I sat down, regretting it instantly. My eyes started to droop, and I couldn't tell what was going on around me. Everything went black.

"Bryson?" I heard Riley's voice. I looked up to see her staring at me with wide eyes.

"Riley, wait!" I yelled as she stormed off through go the crowed. I saw my sisters face turning to follow Riley out of the house.

Present day

"You seriously expect me to believe that you were drugged?" I scoffed. I wasn't believing the bullshit story that was coming out of his mouth.

"I think that's what happened," he said, running his fingers through his hair.

"You think? Why was it so easy to pick out who I was then? Huh?"

"The drugs were wearing off," he replied. I stood up, pushing my chair back with a screech. I wasn't going to listen to anymore of this.

"I'm done, Bryson. Go ahead and fuck whoever you'd like because I'm done." I stormed out of the dinner, slamming my car door shut. I chucked my phone across my car. I should have known all along that this was going to happen. He hadn't changed. It was just different when I saw him everyday. Now that he's at college, he has all the freedom in the world, and no on who knows me to fill me in. But this was it; I wasn't going to give into his tempting looks and sweet words anymore.

Do you believe Bryson's story? Do you think Riley over reacted?

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