Chapter Twenty-seven

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I was over the whole wake up and go to school routine. It wasn't even two full weeks into senior year, and I was beyond over the bullshit that came with it. I thought that senior year was going to be fun, filled with adventures, but I was wrong. However, I had one thing to look forward to; Bryson was coming home tonight. I walked down the long hallway of the school, heading for my locker. To my surprise, Emmy was waiting for me. She was the only one that could keep me sane.

"Good morning, beautiful," she said with a smile. Her outgoing personality was contagious, that's for sure. I couldn't help but smile when I was with her.

"You must have me mistaken for someone else," I joked. She chuckled, moving away from my locker so I could get it.

"Bryson comes home tonight," she stated. There was no emotion in her voice whats-so-ever. Had they had a falling out?

"Something wrong with that?" I questioned. Bryson and Emmy had always been close. He was the over protective older brother that would do anything to keep his sister happy, especially after their mother died.

"I haven't heard much from him since he left," she said. I hadn't either, to be completely honest.

"He's just trying to get settled in, that's all." She nodded, and I hoped she believed it. That's all he was doing, right? I closed my locker, walking with Emmy to first period.


With the day being half over, my excitement was building. I couldn't wait to see Bryson. I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck while he wrapped his around my waist, and o could breath in his scent. I never knew you could miss someone so much, and up until he asked me out, I wouldn't have ever thought I would be able to miss him. A smile formed on my face as I reminisced on everything we had been through. If it hadn't have been for that damn math class. I was part way focused on what the teacher was saying when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I carefully pulled it out, looking around to make sure no one was looking.

Bryson- leaving campus shortly. Meet me at my house after school.

I smiled. This was it. He was on his way home, and in just a few short hours, I would be able to hold him. I slid my phone back in my pocket, listening in to what the teacher was saying. Something about the Great Depression in the twenties, but I had other things on my mind. Other things that were making it hard to take in anything the teacher was saying. I stated at the clock, watching as the hands slowly moved. This is going to take forever.


Emmy was waiting by my car when I walked out of the doors to the school. I saw the look on her face, no emotions. What is up with her? I made my way over, preparing myself for the witty comment she was about to make, but she said nothing when I walked up.

"What's up with you?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders, biting her lip. She only did that when she was nervous, or when she was thinking about a cute boy, but I don't think it's the latter.

"Ready to go see Bryson?" I nodded, feeling the butterflies in my stomach. He still had that effect on me.

"Yeah. He told me to meet him at your house." We got in my car and I quickly put the car in gear to drive to their house. The ride was silent; I didn't know what was up with Emmy, but she definitely wasn't herself. Me. C's car was in the driveway when I pulled in. I hadn't even put the car in park before Emmy was out. I shot her a glare, which she didn't see, and shut the car off. I noticed that Bryson's car wasn't there. Weird. I slowly made my way to the front door, that Emmy had so nicely left open for me.

"Dad?" Emmy called. No response. We walked into the kitchen to see her father sitting at the table. "What's wrong?" She asked, sitting down next to him.

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