Chapter Twelve- Bryson's POV

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Bryson's POV
I watched as she walked away from me. Hurt was taking over every part of my body, but what did I expect? I hurt her, and I knew it. Kids were laughing and pointing at me as I stood there. She got farther and farther from me, but I couldn't move.

"What the fuck was that?" Matt asked, pulling me to reality. I shrugged my shoulders, knowing exactly where he was going with that. "You kissed her, dude!" I turned and started walking down the hallway. I'm not in the mood for this. "Bryson, wait up!" Matt yelled as he caught up to me.

"What?" I snapped, feeling the anger building up inside of me. Matt stopped, staring at me. "What do you want?" I asked, more calm then it should have been.

"You care about her, don't you?" I stopped at my locker, turning the combination. "Admit it. You actually like her." I slammed my fist into the locker, making Matt jump a bit.

"So what if I do? What's the problem? She's not Tamara? I know that, and I'm more than happy with that!" And that's when it hit me. Bryson Carter, the football quarterback, liked Riley Allister. Not only had it hit me, but I had just admitted it to my friend. Someone I knew wouldn't approve.

"She's a nerd." I slammed my locker door. Shoving my books in my bag, I was trying to think of something to say back. Instead, I started walking away.

"You know, Matt. You're just mad that this will be the one girl you can't convince to cheat on me." With that, I walked out of the school.


I sat in the cafe around the corner from the school. Too many things were going through my mind to even think about paying attention in class. Not like I did anyway. I sat there, staring off into space when my phone went off.

Emmy- where are you? I've been looking all over the place for you.

I decided to just ignore it. She would find me sooner or later, and I knew I wasn't going to hear the end of it. My phone started vibrating furiously off the table, indicating I had a phone call.

"I swear, if this is Emmy," I said to myself. I looked at the phone and saw Tamara's name. Great, the last person I want to talk to. But I decided to answer it anyway.

"What do you want, Tamara?" I asked.

"Babe? Where are you?" I sighed.

"Did Emmy ask you to call me?" I heard shuffling noises in the background, but pushed it aside. I didn't care what she was doing.

"No, I just didn't see you at lunch, so I got worried." I laughed, which came out as a snort. Since when did she care?

"Listen, Tamara, I have to go." I hung up the phone without waiting for her reply. I sat there, in deep thought. An idea hit me, and I knew exactly who could help. I pulled up Emmys text and typed a message back.

Bryson- I need your help. Meet me at home after school.

I got up, leaving a tip on the table. I needed this plan to work.


"You're gonna what?" Emmy asked, too excited for her own good.

"You heard me." I wasn't going to repeat myself just because my sister was too shocked to comprehend what I had said.

"Why, Bryson? Why are you doing this?" I sighed, thinking of a good way to answer her question, but I didn't have to. Emmy could read me like a book. "You actually care about her?"

"Don't sound so surprised." I knew I still wasn't sure how I felt about Riley, but I knew I couldn't not have her in my life. Every time we hung out was amazing. It was always new with her, and she always knew what to say.

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