Chapter Thirty

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A/N- I never thought I would make it this far with this story .-. Thank you guys for all the support. It means the world<3

After leaving Bryson in the diner, I called Emmy, filling her in on everything. She scoffed at his excuse. I didn't blame her because I had done the same thing. It just seemed unreal. Why would Tamara drug him? I knew she was pissed at him, but wouldn't she have come after me instead, like she usually did?

The next morning, I fought with myself. Should I get up for school, or should I stay in bed all day? I finally decided on going to school. I knew Angela would give me an ear full if I didn't. I knew she wanted what was best for me, and at this point in time, getting good grades to go to college was best for me.

Nothing seemed to be going in my favor this morning. The hot water tank decided to shit the bed, so I had a full head of messy hair to deal with. Angela wasn't able to make coffee because we apparently ran out. She was running later than usual, so we couldn't have breakfast.

My stomach growled as I made my way out to my car. God help me if my car breaks down. I unlocked the door, sliding into the drivers seat. I slipped the key into the ignition, and my baby started with ease. I sighed in relief as I threw my backpack into the passenger seat and took off down the road.

When I got to school, Emmy was waiting for me by her car. I pulled into the spot next to her, throwing my car in park and getting out. She looked like she hadn't gotten much sleep. She had bags starting to form under her eyes, and that was very unlike Emmy. She would have thrown a fit on any other day.

"Hey," she said. Something was definitely up with her. She didn't give me one of her quirky lines like usual.

"What's up with you?" I asked, concerned for her well being.

"Bryson stopped by the house last night after you left him in the diner."

"Oh boy. Didn't go well I take it?" She shook her head.

"Not at all. My dad and I ganged up on him. Needless to say, he was not a happy camper by the time he left." I chuckled, glad that he was getting what he deserved. "How are you feeling?"

"Alright, I guess, other than the fact that nothing be was going right this morning." I told her everything that happened and all she did was laugh. The bell rang, signaling it was time to go to class, so Emmy and I went our separate ways.


I sat in chemistry, waiting for the teacher to join us. Kids around me were talking in their cliques about the college party they had gone to this weekend. I rolled my eyes, knowing it was probably the same party that I had attended for a brief moment. The teacher came into the room looking a little frazzled. I looked at the clock. It must have been because she was running later than usual.

"So sorry, class! I was in the office getting paperwork done. We're going to have a student teacher for the next few weeks. I would like to introduce you to Matt," she said. When did he come in? I knew exactly who Matt was. Matt was one of Bryson's friends. One of his friends that didn't like me. It didn't matter now though, right? Matt made a short introduction before the teacher told him to pick a seat to watch for a while. The only empty seat was next to me, of course. Matt took his seat, listening to what instructions the teacher had given us. She handed out a worksheet, probably so she could finish whatever paperwork she needed to.

"Well well. Look at you Riley," Matt said. I rolled my eyes, not wanting to deal with his shit. "You've become an attractive young lady." I turned to him, shooting daggers from my eyes.

"It's only been a few months since you've last seen me, Matt. I haven't changed that much." He sighed, scooting a bit closer.

"Why so bitter, sweet cheeks?" I scoffed.

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