Chapter Eight

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I sat in a chair while Emmy did my hair and makeup. She put on light makeup to bring out my features and curled my hair. I looked in the mirror, amazed at the work she did.

"Go put your dress on. We don't want to be late," Emmy said, way too excited to get to the party. I went into the bathroom, stripping my sweatpants and t-shirt and put on a dress that was deep red on top with some jewels and had a see through black skirt. It had a short slip underneath. I slid on some basic black high heels and grabbed a small purse that had a shoulder strap. I walked out into my room and Emmys jaw dropped.

"What do you think?" I asked, clearly knowing what she was going to say. She motioned for me to spin around, and I did so.

"Riley," she paused for a minute. "You look amazing!" She said, a smile forming on her face. I didn't think the dress had looked that good on me. It did fall in all the right places though. For being thin, I did have some curves, and this dress definitely showed them.

"You ready to go?" I asked, kind of wanting to get the night over with. She nodded and we headed out.


"It's only nine, and people are already hammered," Emmy said, sounding disgusted. I chuckled.

"Are we any better? We are here to get drunk and it's only nine." We walked in silence for a bit before Emmy answered.

"No, because we're not already sloshed. These people have probably been gone since they arrived." We laughed as we walked into the house. We basically came to the same house to party every time. I'm surprised the cops haven't found it yet. The house was bumping with music and people dancing all over each other, just like every other party. "Drinks?" Emmy asked. I nodded in response and leaned against the wall waiting for her. I admired the people dancing around, drinking, and just having a good time. Although we were all in different groups, we all came together at parties; well, almost everyone.

"God, what are you doing here?" Tamara said with an eye roll. I was really getting sick of her attitude and hate towards me when I hadn't really done anything to her. Well, other than what went down in the pizza house. I smiled at the memory, almost forgetting she was standing in front of me. "Well, are you going to say anything?" She said, pulling me out if my thoughts.

"Who dressed you?" Seriously? That was the best that I could come up with? I mentally slapped myself, but noticed how offended she seemed. Well, that went better than I expected. She was wearing a short, strapless, sparkly silver dress that hit right under her butt. If she bent over, she would be showing the world the nasty thing that guys were somehow still attracted to.

"This so happens to be my mothers dress from her high school years," she defended. I chuckled. I couldn't imagine her mother ever wearing something like that. Her mother was practically head of the church. Full blown Christian, and she worshipped God like no other.

"You might not want to bend over too far," I said, pointing out that no one wanted to see what was under there. A smirk appeared on her face.

"You all would like that, wouldn't you?" Her smirk grew into a creepy smile, and I wanted to walk away. I had enough of her tonight; I just wanted to enjoy my night.

"No one wants to see that," a random voice said. "It's used and abused; almost like throwing a hotdog down a hallway." The crowd busted out into laughter, and Bryson appeared next to her. I couldn't stop laughing, grabbing my stomach, fighting for air. I knew Bryson could be a jerk, but I never expected him to say that to his girlfriend. Tamara gave him a death glare before storming away.

"Dude, Bryson, that was awesome," a drunk kid said as he stumbled over. Emmy came back, handing me my drink. I was finally able to stop laughing, but I was still trying to catch my breath.

"What did I miss?" Emmy asked, looking around at the circle that had formed. I started laughing again, thinking back to what happened. Emmy just stared at me, confusion all over her face. I took a sip of my drink, telling her what her dear brother did. "Are you serious?" Emmy said, busting out into laughter. I nodded my head, knowing I wasn't going to control the laughter.


I hadn't seen Tamara the rest of the night. I wonder if Bryson's little comment caused her to leave the party completely. Not that I was complaining. The party seemed to be doing just fine without her. I was leaning against the wall, sipping on my drink, while Emmy was dancing with the cheerleaders. I didn't want to get so drunk to the point where I didn't remember what happened, again.

"Can I crash your one man party?" I looked around, wondering where that came from, and then I noticed Bryson leaning against the wall next to me.

"Yeah," I said with a small smile. "Thanks for earlier." Bryson chuckled at the memory.

"I walked over at the right time. You had set that up perfectly." I smiled, taking another sip. "Taking it slow tonight?" He said, nodding his head at the cup in my hand.

"Yeah, I would like to remember this party," I said with a laugh. I'm sexy and I know it came bumping over the speakers and Bryson started screaming. I raised my eyebrows at him, watching him dance around. Yup, he was a guy alright. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in to dance with him.


"Let me walk you to Emmys car," Bryson said with a smile. I nodded in agreement and followed him out of the house. We had spent the past few hours dancing to every song that came on. Neither one of us were too drunk, and it was nice. This was nice; actually being able to get along.

"Thanks for tonight," I mumbled. I had never felt nervous around Bryson before, but after everything that had been happening lately, I was always careful to make sure what I said wasn't stupid. Bryson smiled and wrapped his hand around mine, intertwining our fingers. In that moment, I could feel the chills go through my body, and the butterflies were fluttering in my stomach. "I'm sure I would have just stood against the wall the whole night."

"We wouldn't have wanted that, now would we?" I chuckled and shook my head. Emmy was already waiting in her car when we walked up. She waved at me, and I gave her a wave back. Bryson walked to the passenger side, opening the door for me. As I went to sit down, he pulled me back and wrapped me in a hug. The chills went through my body again. This felt right, being wrapped in his arms in that moment. He placed a kiss on my cheek and let me get into the car. He gave us a quick wave before Emmy drove off.

"What was that?" Emmy asked with a grin. I shrugged my shoulders, still not sure as to what happened. What was it about Bryson Carter that was making me feel like this now?

What did you think about the party? What about Bryson's diss to Tamara? How about the chemistry with Riley and Bryson?

The picture attached is the outfit Riley wore to the party!

Teaser: Riley figures out what's going on with her and Bryson, and Tamara isn't too happy with them.

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