♡︎ 𝒫-ℐ-𝒢 ♡︎

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⚠️(ED TW)⚠️

I laid down in my bed from my dorm, good thing my roommate isn't here, she would get mad at me for coming home late, I was going to sleep but just then. My phone rang. It's probably Jasmine calling.

"Hello?" I ask After i answer the call.

"Hello Emely~" said the low raspy manly voice.

"Is this Sam?, I said im not falling for ur tricks"

"No, I'm not sam"

"Then who are you" I ask already knowing it's Ghostface

"Don't act like u don't know"

"Okay, where are you?"

"In you area"

"So you are not in my house?"

"I have a question"

"I asked you first stupid"

"What's your favorite scary movie?"

"I- stab 1"

"Wonder why you don't like stab 2"

"It's my business" I sigh, already feeling scared.

"Oh is it now?"


"Imagine how you're father is going to react when he finds out his only daughter is not living up his dream"

"Stop, shut up, you don't understand"

"You are just as pathetic as Samantha, Emely"

"None of us are pathetic"

"Especially you, Emely, you are pathetic, you starved yourself for a boy who didn't even like you"



"I- I didn't, shut up" tears are rolling out of my eyes. No one but Tara, Sam, and Quinn know about me deeply.

"Yes you did, you were complaining about how nasty you looked, you're still that same old pig from last year, and now I'm going to gut you like one when I see you!-"

I hung up the phone, and laid on my bed, sobbing, I couldn't believe it. I.

I just curled in my bed and forced myself to sleep, what he said was just a threat, it wasn't true! If only my boyfriend was here.

I called my boyfriend Brian.

"BRIAN" I whisper yell

"Baby it's 2 in the morning, what happened?"

He sounds annoyed, he doesn't want to talk...

"I got a call from ghostface!, can u come over, pleaseee" I begged as I was wiping my eyes with my hand

"Emely, it's 2 in the fucking morning let me sleep"

He sounded mad...

"Sorry baby, sleep well"

He hung up, I hope I die soon, I hope ghostface means it when he said he will gut me like a pig. Very soon.

"I love to hear you scream~" A Ethan Landry (Kirsch) love storyWhere stories live. Discover now