⁂ℐ 𝓁ℴ𝓋ℯ 𝓂𝓎 𝒷ℴ𝓎𝒻𝓇𝒾ℯ𝓃𝒹⁂

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I WOKE UP being tied up, sitting in a chair. I looked around the room and saw pictures of me in my room asleep, with my lingerie, and just me in general. There was also a table full of my lingerie that was missing, and clothes of mine, some of my hair, and lip oils. I tried to find a way out or maybe scream for help but my mouth was covered with a rag. I tried moving but that didn't help at all. The door then opened. I saw Ethan standing in front of the doorframe.

"Did you have a nice nap my darling?" When asks cleaning his knife that was covered in blood, I immediately start to look around my body to see if he had cut me somewhere. After searching I saw nothing and looked at him grunting and trying to move.

"See I wouldn't move, considering that I tied you down well" Ethan walks closer to me. I start to sweat from how anxious I was. "Don't worry darling, I healed your opened wounds, I wouldn't want my poor girl to bleed more" Ethan leaned down towards my height and tugged my hair behind my ear. He caressed my cheek.

"I didn't want you to leave, so I'm keeping you all to myself, you want to know why?" Ethan asks as he cups my face. I nodded of course. "Because I fell in love with my perfect girl" he proceeds to stand up and remove his black hoodie. "Here are the love bites you left me that I hope will never wear off," he said while showing me his neck, he slowly looked deeply into my eyes "You might have been in control of me that time, but now I am, Emely" he took off the rag of my mouth. My bottom lip was trembling, and I was breathing shakily.

"Anything you have to say?" Ethan asks caressing my thigh. I look at my leg and then at him. I was thinking of what to say to him. I was scared but also flattered.

"Where are Sam and Tara?" I ask clenching my jaw. Small silence, I could almost a drop of my sweat touch the ground. Ethan licked his lips before answering.

"They are far away from where we are my dear, no one can steal you from me" he slightly tilts his head to the right. "You want me to untie you?" He asks.

"Yes" I reply nodding my head.

"Use your manners dear" He demanded as he stared deep into my eyes.

"Can you please untie me?" I ask looking deeply into his eyes.

"Good, I Will untie you now, but if you try to leave I will fucking kill you" I nod shakily, as he unties my feet and hands. "Now you will keep silent for me, can you do that for me?" He asks as his knife travels to my chin and picks my head up, making my back shiver. I nod "Good girl" he grin mischievously, he then walks out of the room and stops mid way and looks at me "Follow along dear".

I have to come up with an escape plan, I don't know if he will kill me. I also don't want to leave, I love him too much, Fuck my life. I started to follow Ethan upstairs. I look around my surroundings and payed attention to the details that can help me.

"Now I know that in that little head of yours, you are thinking of a way to escape, trust me Emely, There is no way out, you are stuck with me"  Ethan turned to me with serious eyes staring right into my soul. "You and I are staying together Forever".


I STARTED TO PANIC as the police had no trace of Emely's location or anything at all, Ethan took her and left no evidence, it's my fault it's my fault it's my fault!! "Sam i can't do this anymore" I look at sam with teary eyes, Emely was like my very own younger sister. 

"Tara, they are going to find her" Sam put her hand on my shoulder "I just know it, stop thinking about the negative thoughts, besides, how impossible can it be to find a dorky but also crazy killer?" Sam says patting my head with a warm smile.

"I love to hear you scream~" A Ethan Landry (Kirsch) love storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora