Jason Voorhees x Reader

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  Jason Voorhees x Reader

   I arrived at Camp Crystal on time. I didn't know anyone here but I wanted to make some new friends and hopefully not meet anyone bitchy. But, hey! This is a book with slashers. Bitchy character means you at least won't feel bad for someone dying, right?

Anyway, I hauled my backpack and Fanny out of the crinkly old bus, followed by more than a dozen kids trailing out behind me. Staring in awe or disgust of the fun week they were promised at Crystal. I mean, it's a camp. You'd at least expect it to look all log-y and campy, if you get my drift.

  We were given a brochere of sorts that contained a rough schedule that was subject to change if the weather acted up, a map, activity list, and so on. We were soon assigned cabins. And no, I did not get a solo cabin that for some reason is almost isolated from the rest of the cabins. Mine is with three other people.

I entered the cabin to find my cabin mates were already settling in, I stayed behind to listen to one of the counselors finish discussing everything we would be doing.

The group of campers was around college age, so everyone was in there twenties, it was some special charity thing the camp was doing so they opened up for a week just for this age. Like a once a year thing. Something happened the year before and some people died or went missing, can't remember, I think this is there way of covering it up or showing the camp is still fine.

"Hey guys," I introduced, there was something easier about talking to people you would be living with for the next week or so, "I'm Y/N."

  The others stopped what they were doing and came over to greet me.

"Hello, ironically my name is also Crystal," Crystal introduced herself before going back to reorganizing the stuff in her suitcase, her brown hair tied tightly back as to not get in the way.

"I'm Jeffery," Jeffery shook my hand, he had really pretty green eyes and red hair.

  One of other guys popped there head out from one of the top bunk beds, his fluffy blonde hair and stubble made him look a little like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo.

"Hey, dude!" He stuck his hand out and I had to reach to shake it, "name's Ross, I got the goods!"

  I raised a brow in concern before Crystal laughed, shaking her head at Ross.

"Ross means he brought like, a million snacks and sodas."

"Ohhhhh," I nodded, "I thought you meant drugs."

"Nah, just to make room for more snacks I only brought two pairs of clothes!" He beamed.

"Ah," is all I said as I nodded.

I somehow was lucky enough to get top bunk with Crystal, she thought the bed was unstable and was afraid of possible spiders crawling over head so she gladly told me she'd take the bottom.

Once situated, we packed a small drawstring bag of necessities such as water, sunscreen, notepad, whistle, flashlight, and so on. We headed to the first activity which was lunch and pretty much orientation of sorts. Lunch was sandwiches, chips and a soda. We all got extras and once we were done it was ok to the next activity.

Scavenger Hunt.

Hear me out, most of the campers really liked this idea. Made everyone feel super nostalgic. We stayed with our assigned cabin mates and ventured off with the list. We decided to group items together that we'd all find it the same place, so we started out with going to the lake to find a smooth rock.

We ran to the lake, everyone was getting timed so first one to find all the items on the list got a free giftcard for every member or a pack of sodas for your group. Obviously we would choose the gift cards... whatever they were for. Probably provided by some sponsor the camp somehow has, don't ask me.

  One by one we all found a smooth stone that could easily be used for skipping across the lake. We found extras and decided to do that so the other teams would have a harder time. I noticed a tall, large black silhouette of something across the lake and in the woods. It looked like a person, but not like any of the campers I saw.

  I turned to tell my friends but when we looked back the silhouette was gone.

"Perhaps it was a moose," Crystal suggested, "I read that they have a lot here."

"What's plural for moose?" Ross asked, "meeses? Mooses? Mooseys?"

"I don't think any of those are right," Jeffery chuckled, "but I like meeses the best."

Everyone else agreed. We then put our stones away and left to go find other items. After a few checked off things we looked in the forest for an acorn but happened upon an odd setup of a raggedy old tent and what looked like a homeless person living condition with trash around and random objects.

"You think someone still lives here?" Jeffery asked to no one in particular.

"That fire still has warm ashes in it," Crystal observed, "so one would think so, yes."

  Ross dug out two sodas and a pack of chips, placing it neatly inside the tent in case it would rain.

"I have lots so i can spare," Ross smiled.

  The group smiled sadly, feeling bad for whoever was living out here in these conditions. They also opened up there bags to give up snacks or drinks or other necessities they knew they could part with. In total they left six sodas, four chip bags, two pieces of stick jerky, an apple wrapped in saran-wrap, a water, matches, and bug spray.

"Wish we had more, my man," Ross said.

"We can sneak for more food with us and come back tomorrow," I suggested.

  The others agreed so we left to find our acorns and return to camp. After around forty minutes we had all of our stuff, we ended up getting second place and got the pack of sodas the first place winners didn't want.

"At least we got more stuff to give to Frankie," Ross shrugged as he and Jeffery held the pack of sodas.


"Yeah, homeless dude in the woods," Ross smiled.

"You named them?" Jeffery asked.

"Yeah, I don't want to keep referring to them as homeless guy in the woods," Ross answered.

  We were walking to the homeless person's tent again to drop off the sodas, really hopping he wasn't there.

"What if they're there?" Crystal asked as we got closer to the tent.

"Then we can personally deliver this to Frankie," Ross smiled.

  We got to the tent but no one was there. The food we gave was mostly eaten and two cans of soda were opened and drank. Ross and Jeffery placed the pack of sodas beside the tent instead of inside of it and we stood back before turning to leave, only to be met with a large silhouette in the distance.

"What the hell is that?" Jeffery squinted his eyes to try and see as the figure was slowly approaching them.

"That's no moose guys."

"It's the figure from earlier!" I exclaimed.

"Frankie?" Ross cocked his head to the side like a puppy.

  Some of us were afraid it was a bear so we slowly backed away to the camp as we kept our eyes on the slowly emerging shadow. Eventually we were able to see it was a large man with a hockey mask, you know what he looks like, wielding a machete.

"He's got a knife..." Crystal's wide eyes and shaky hands got the better of her as she froze up, luckily I held her hand tightly and pulled her back.

"Evil Frankie?" Ross persisted.

  The man got even closer until the point he was at his tent and we were close to the lake. At least two house apart from eachother. He looked down at his tent, observing everything, then looked to us through his mask.

"Hey, man," Ross shouted, "we just came to drop off some sodas for you! Meant to harm or disturbances! We'll just be on our ways!"

  We backed away quicker but soon saw the man had started walking towards us.

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